Concepts, Nature And Purposes Flashcards
PCSPE stands for
Philippine Commission to Survey Philippine Education
Curricular renewal or reforms are recommended by
SOUTELE stands for
Survey of the Outcomes of Elementary Education
PCER stands for
Philippine Commission for Educational Reforms
The anchor of reforms in education from the basic to higher education is
NCBTS stands for
National Competency-Based Teacher Standards
Basic should emphasize the 3Rs.
Curriculum is the total learning experiences of the individual
John Dewey said that reflective thinking is
A means that unifies curricular elements
Ralph Tyler Model connotes
Four basic principles
Tyler’s 4 basic principles are also known as
Tyler’s Rationale
The four principles included
Purpose of the school
Educational experiences related to the purpose
Organization of the experiences
Evaluation of the experiences
Hilda Taba improved on Tyler’s Rationale by
Making a linear model
Hilda Taba’s advocacy centered on
Grassroots approach
The seven steps to Taba’s model are
Diagnosis of learners needs and expectations of the larger society
Formulation of learning objectives
Selection of learning content
Organization of learning content
Selection of learning experiences
Organization of learning activities
Determination of what to evaluate and the means of doing it
Allan Glathorn describes
Seven types of curriculum
Seven types of curriculum
What does STAR WHL mean
Supported Taught Assessed Recommended Written Hidden Learned
The curriculum that comes from a national agency
Made by curriculum experts with teachers—documents, course of study or syllabi
Written curriculum
Different planned activities put into action in the classroom
Includes material resources such as textbooks, computers, audio visual materials, lab equipment, playgrounds, zoos and other facilities
Supported curriculum
Tested or evaluated curriculum
Assessed curriculum
Refers to the learning outcomes achieved by the students—cognitive, affective or psychomotor
Learned curriculum
Unintended curriculum including peer influence, school environment, physical condition, mood of the teachers
Hidden curriculum
John Dewey in 1916 looks at Education
As a way of life
Teacher is the sole authority
Teachers help students think with reason
Lifelong learners are produced
Learning as instrument fro societal change
Majority of scholars would place the beginning of the curriculum in ________ with the publication of Franklin Bobbit’s book ______________
The Curriculum
For Franklin Bobbit, curriculum prepares students for
Adult life
Werret Charters, like Bobbit, stated that curriculum is a
William Kilpatrick said curricula are
Purposeful activities which are child-centered
Hollis Caswell believes that curriculum is a
Set of experiences
Ralph Tyler believes that curriculum is a
Science and an extension of school’s philosophy
3 psychology fields for education
Who for,ulated the hierarchical learning?
Robert Gagne
Five learning outcomes by Robert Gagne are
Intellectual - know how to categorize,problem solve
Information - know what facts dates names
Cognitive - learning skills
Motor skills
Attitudes, feelings and emotions
Advocate of cognitive psychology
Jean Piaget
Lev Vygotsky advocated
Social Coonstructivism
Howard Gardner focused on
Multiple Intelligences
Who made the learning styles
Felder and Silverman
Who introduced emotional intteligences?
Daniel Goleman
Gestalt psychology built on
Learning explained in terms of wholeness of the problem and where the environment is changing and the learner is continuously recognizing his or her perceptions