Concept of experise & neural basis Flashcards
Normal processing limitation
Working memory (7±2)
Circomvent by skilled memort
Chunking and hierarchical retrieval structures
Chess expertise: De Groot, Chase & Simon
With game positions
* Grandmasters are close to 100%
* Experts are close to 70%
* Amateurs are below 40%
Neural correlates of expertise
Neural plasticity
Stimulating input leads
to changes in cortical
Visual expertise: face processing
Fusiform face area
Debate about the role of FFA:
* Face-selective region
* Visual expertise
FFA increases with expertise
Greabels study
But greebels not a ideal paradigm because before training FFA already react
Different types of visual expertise
Domain general and domain specific neuarl changes underly visual expertise
Mineral vs bird expert example
Maximum adaptation in expert-typing
Transition-Speed in Novices: Doubles < Within-Hand < Between-Hand
Transition-Speed in Experts: Between-Hand < Within-Hand < Doubles