CON 270 Exam 2 Flashcards
Define Cost Realism Analysis and its elements.
The process of independently reviewing and evaluating specific elements of each offeror’s proposed cost estimate to determine whether the estimated proposed cost elements:
Are realistic for the work to be performed.
Reflect a clear understanding of contract requirements; and
Are consistent with the unique methods of performances and materials described in the offeror’s proposal.
When shall cost realism analysis be performed?
shall be performed on cost-reimbursement contracts to determine the probable cost of performance for each offeror.
Can cost realism analysis be used on FFP contracts?
May also be used on competitive fixed-price incentive contracts or, in exceptional cases, on other competitive fixed-price-type contracts.
What is the clause that identifies Uncompensated overtime?
The CO shall insert the provision at 52.237-10,
Identification of Uncompensated Overtime, in all solicitations valued above the simplified acquisition threshold, for professional or technical services.
What is the cost realism analysis process?
- Assure correct award criteria.
- Obtain needed cost information.
- Obtain other data needed for evaluation.
- Obtain analysis support.
- Identify costs/prices that are understated.
- Estimate probable contract cost.
- Use cost realism analysis in evaluation.
What must state how the cost realism analysis will be used in the award decision?
The solicitation 4402
What MUST cost reimbursement use to determine best value?
Probable cost estimate4402
Can the KO adjust the price in a FFP contract?
No, Fixed Price - Must not adjust offered price. 4402
What is the forty hour accounting system?
A labor accounting system that charges only forty hours per week per employee regardless of how many hours the employee works.
Some forty-hour accounting systems charge labor costs only to cost objectives worked on during the first eight hours of the work-day.
Others permit employees to select which cost objectives will be charged.
Either of the above methods for distributing labor costs provides the opportunity for employees or management to manipulate the allocation of labor costs and the indirect costs.
What is the full-time Accounting system?
Other contractors require their employees to charge for every hour worked.
The Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) and others contend that total time accounting is required for compliance with FAR 31.201-4, Determining Allocability; CAS 401, Consistency in Estimating, Accumulating, and Reporting Costs; and CAS 418, Allocation of Direct and Indirect Costs.
What are the three (3) methods of calculating risk?
Monte Carlo,
Symmetric Approximation
What are the four basic types of risk?
Scope/Requirements Risk Cost Risk Schedule Risk Technical Risk 4408
Describe the sensitivity analysis.
Used to figure out which items merit special management consideration. Works extremely well on scope/rqmts risks.
Measure how sensitive system cost is to variations in non-cost parameters
Method of testing assumptions by adjusting cost drivers to indicate magnitude of variations
Provides a quantitative assessment of potential changes to “cost drivers”
Select variables and adjust one at a time based on different assumptions
Describe the Monte Carlo.
Similar to symmetric approximation and is computer based.
Identify the areas of uncertainty
Develop the probability distribution for each area
Works well with cost risks. Especially suited for analyzing schedule risks. Many scheduling tools have included a “built-in” Monte Carlo simulation to analyze schedule risks and critical paths
Randomly sample from each element (iteratively) and develop a distribution of the total cost
Describe the Symmetric Approximation
Works extremely well when dealing with cost risk.
Identify the areas of uncertainty
Develop the probability distribution for each area
Calculate the mean and variance for each distribution
Estimate the mean and variance for the total cost
Describe the Uniform distribution
Every value between the minimum and the maximum has equal probability of occurring.
Describe the triangular distribution
The most likely represents the mode of the triangle (its peak), and in pricing, would typically be the value used in the government objective.
Describe the distinct distribution
Used where discrete (distinct) events or outcomes exist and the means are available to objectively or subjectively state the likelihood of each outcome occurring. The sum of the probabilities of the outcomes equals one.
Describe Normal distribution
Used when outcomes are equally likely to occur on either side of the average value; symmetric and continuous, unbounded, allowing for negative values. Need to be able to determine the mean and standard deviation.
Describe and differentiate the beta distribution
Similar to the normal distribution, but does not allow for negative cost, this continuous distribution can be symmetric or skewed. The PERT beta allows the user to specify minimum and maximum values, and the shape parameters.
How do you calculate Range
As the cumulative quantity of units produced _______, the costs will decrease at a constant rate.
What basic theory related to improvement curves is preferred by the government?
Unit Improvement (Cost) Theory Y = AX^B
Where: Y = Unit cost of xth unit X = Unit Number A = Theoretical cost of first unit B = Constant
What are the conditions that foster cost improvement?
Pressure to improve as a result of competition, desire to increase profit, improve ROI, etc.
Complex end item or process (more opportunities for improvement)
Stable design (with the exception of periodic changes for the purpose of reducing cost)
Continuous manufacturing process
What is the formula for determine the rate of improvement(ROI)?
ROI + Slope= 100% example ROI 30 the slope is 70
When coming down a slope steeper is cheaper
The lower the slope, the steeper the curve, steeper is cheaper.
Remember steeper is cheaper when going down the curve
The lower the percentage the steeper the slope i.e. 70% is steeper than 90%
What is the order of preference is slope selection?
- A curve developed from data pertaining to the production of the same product.
- The median percentage from a group of curves for items having some similarity to the end item.
- The median percentage from the product category in which the item would most likely be included.
What is the target price?
Target Cost + Target Profit
What are the 3 types of Incentives?
Cost, Tech Perform, Schedule
What elements make up Target Cost?
Describe the CPIF for a basic contract review?
Turns into CPFF (100/0) with large underruns or overruns Necessary elements Target Cost Target Fee Contractor share % (under and over) Maximum Fee Minimum Fee Range Incentive Effectiveness (RIE) Not specified in contract, falls out Between cost at max and min fee 4409
Describe the FPIF for a basic contract review
Turns into FFP (0/100) with large overruns Necessary elements Target Cost Target Profit Contractor share % (under and over) Ceiling Price 4409
Describe the point of total assumption as an element of the contract.
it is the (cost) point at which the contractor totally assumes all (100%) responsibility for any additional cost growth.
Can you have more than one contract type within the same contract?
“Contracts negotiated under Part15 may be of any type or combination of types that will promote the Government’s interest, except as restricted in this part”
A hybrid contract may allow the agency to achieve a better match between the requirement and how the work is priced.
A hybrid contract might support different types of incentive fees so that an agency may use incentive fee contracts with objective performance metrics whenever requirements can be measured objectively