All steps in the identification and testing of a potential transfusion recipient and donor blood before transfusion in an attempt to provide a blood product that survives in vivo
Compatibility testing
Specimen collection : _______ and ____ of patient blood samples and donor units is absolutely essential
Positive identification and testing
If serum is used , blood samples should be collected in siliconized plain tubes without _______
Serum separator gel
Age of the specimen for compatibility testing
3 days
Specimen for compatibility testing must be retained post-transfusion for at least ____ days
At least 7 days
Unacceptable specimens for compat testing
IV line contamination and hemolyzed
Final check of ABO group between donor and patient
Crossamatching may detect the presence of _____
Antibodies not detected during the Antibody identification
Major crossmatch tests the donor ___ and the patient _____
Donor red cells and patient serum
Minor crossmatch tests the donor ___ and the patient _____
Donor serum and patient red cells
Regardless of minor crossmatch result, we need to follow the major crossmatch result - True or false
Two classifications of crossmatch tests
Serologic and computer crossmatch
Tests the patients serum with the Donor RBC
Serologic crossmatch
Component of serologic crossmatch that detects IgM incompatibility
Immediate spin
Component of serologic crossmatch that detects IgG incompatibility
Serologic crossmatch : both immediate spin and AHG are performed
Complete crossmatch
Serologic crossmatch immediate spin is only performed
Incomplete or abbreviated crossmatch
Incomplete or abbreviated crossmatch is only performed if these 2 criteria are met
1) negative current Ab screening
2) no history of clinically significant antibody
May be used only for patients who have no currently clinically significant antibodies or any history of alloantibodies
Computer crossmatch (EXM)
All blood units are incompatible with this condition
If not at correct temp, unit must be returned within ___ mins of issue
30 mins
Transfusion of RBC components prior to completion of pretransfusion testing
Emergency transfusion
In emergency tranfusion, the blood unit must be
ABO specific and O Rh negative
Blood type to be used for plasma emergency transfusion
AB plasma
Is it required to perform compatibility testing of plasma products?
Not required, serum typing is only performed
In massive transfusion, ___ units of whole blood/packed red cell is given within ____ hours
10 units ; 24 hours
For platelet concentrate/FFP transfusion, the unit must be given within ____ mins
20 mins
Effects of massive transfusion
Iron overload
Bleeding (platelets are diluted)
Citrate toxicity (calcium ions are affected)
One unit of blood should be transfused within ____ hours
4 hours
Time interval for acute transfusion reaction
Within 24 hours
Time interval for delayed transfusion reaction
More than 24 hours
Other classifications of transfusion reaction
Immune and non immune
Infectious and noninfectious
Acute immunologic transfusion reactions
Febrile nonhemolytic
Acute non immunologic transfusion reactions
Bacterial contamination
Circulatory overload
Physical/chemical hemolysis
Delayed immunologic transfusion reactions
Transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease
Post transfusion purpura
Delayed non immunologic transfusion reactions
Transfusion-induced hemosiderosis
Disease transmission
Reaction period varies from 1-2 hours ; main cause is incompatible blood
Immediate hemolytic transfusion reaction
Immediate hemolytic transfusion reaction
Allergic reaction
Transfusion-associate graft-versus-host disease
Transfusion associated circulatory overload
Acute complication of transfusion presenting with at lease 1C increase in body temperature
febrile non hemolytic transfusion reaction
2 mechanisms of FNHTR
immune-mediated and platelet storage changes
Occurs as a response of recipient antibodies to an allergen present in the blood component ; the more common, milder reactions consist of weals, erythema, or pruritis ; severe reactions (anaphylactic or anaphylactoid)
Allergic reaction
With RESPIRATORY distress and severe hypoxemia during or within 6 hours of transfusion in the absence of other causes of lung injury ; mediated by anti-WBC antibodies
detection of “new” red cell antibodies AFTER 24 hours of transfusion
Presents with profound thrombocytopenia, frequently accompanied by bleeding 1 to 24 days AFTER a blood transfusion ; the antigen most commonly implicated in this condition is the HUMAN PLATELET ANTIGEN (HPA) 1a
Post transfusion purpura
Due to an immunologic attack by viable donor lymphocytes contained in the transfused blood component against the transfusion RECIPIENT
Transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease
With respiratory distress and hypoxemia that can be accompanied by cough, headache, chest tightness, hypertension, jugular vein distention, elevated central venous pressure, and ELEVATED PULMONARY WEDGE pressure during or after transfusion l occurs when the patient’s CARDIOVASCULAR system’s ability to handle additional workload is exceeded manifesting as congestive heart failure
Transfusion-associated circulatory overload
Most common causes of transfusion reactions
FNHTR and allergic reaction
Blood component given to prevent FNHTR
Blood component given to prevent allergic reaction
Most common cause of death associated with transfusion reaction
Minutes ; incompatible blood ; free hemoglobin ; DAT (+) - minutes ; urine - free hemoglobin ; intravascular hemolysis ; Hypotension leading to DIC, acute renal failure
Immediate hemolytic TR
3-7 days ; blood: bilirubin and methalbumin ; urine: urobilinogen, hemosiderin ; DAT(+) - days ; extravascula hemolysis ; unexplained depletion of Hgb ad Hct leading to anemia
Delayed hemolytic TR
Investigation of a TR
Clerical check
Visual inspection ( pre or post tranfusion sample)
DAT Testing (positive post patient sample)
Additional testing for TR
ABO and Rh typing
Urine test
AB screening
Bilirubin test
Hgb and Hct