Comparative and Superlative Flashcards
Comparisons of Equality:
For comparisons of equality, use the constructionso+adjectiveor adverb +wieto mean as +adjectiveor adverb + as. You can also addnichtin front of thesofor a comparison of inequality.
Die Küche istso gross wiedas Wohnzimmer. The kitchen is as big as the living room.
Eine Waschmaschine istnicht so schwer wieein Kühlschrank. Awashing machineis not as heavy as arefrigerator.
Comparisons of Superiority/Inferiority:
For comparisons of superiority and inferiority, add-erto theadjectiveor adverb, followed byals(than). German always uses the -er ending, although English sometimes uses the word more before theadjectiveinstead of the ending.
Ein radio is billiger alsein Fernseher. A radio is cheaper than a TV.
Jens läuft schneller alsErnst. Jens runs faster than Ernst.
Lydia ist intelligenter alsihr Bruder. Lydia is more intelligent than her brother.
Adjectives and Comparions:
Adjectivesthat end in -el, -en or -er, drop the -e in the comparative form.
Teuer becomesteurerinstead of teuerer, and dunkel becomesdunklerinstead of dunkeler.
Some one-syllableadjectivesand adverbs whose stem vowel is a, o, or u add an umlaut in the comparative, such asalt, arm, dumm, grob, groß, hart, jung, kalt, klug, krank, kurz, lang, oft, scharf, schwach, stark, warm.
Adjectivesthatneveradd an umlaut are flach, froh, klar, rasch, roh, schlank, stolz, toll, voll and zart.
Forming the Superlative:
To form the superlative, add-(e)stto theadjective. The ending -est is used when the word ends in -d, -t, or an s sound. Theadjectivesthat end in -el, -en, or -er retain the -s in the superlative form. The same adjectivesthat took an umlaut in the comparative take an umlaut in the superlative as well.
Superlative Alternate Form:
The superlative also has an alternative form: am+adjectiveor adverb +sten. When theadjectiveor adverb ends in a d, t or s sound, aneis inserted between the stem and ending (am grössten is an exception.) This is the onlyform ofthe superlative of adverbs, but eitherformsof the superlative can be used foradjectives.
Hans isamjüngsten. Hans is the youngest.
Sie istamintelligentesten. She is the most intelligent.
Irregular Forms:
Adj. /Adv. | Comparative | Superlative gern | lieber | am liebsten gut | besser | am besten hoch | höher | am höchsten nah | näher | am nächsten viel | mehr | am meisten
Common Forms of the Comparative:
Jemehr,destobesser. The more, the better.
Jemehr Geld er hat,destoglücklicher ist er. The more money he has, the happier he is.
Die preisewerdenimmerhöher. The prices are getting higher and higher.
Julia wirdimmerhübscher. Julia is getting prettier and prettier.
Keep in mind that the comparative and superlativeformstake normaladjectiveendings when they precede a noun. And theadjectiveform ofthe superlative must always take anadjectiveending because it is preceded by the definite article.
Haben Sie billigereAnzüge? Do you have less expensive suits?
Diese Anzüge sind die billigsten. These suits are the least expensive.