Community Violence Flashcards
Exposure to act of interpersonal violence committed by individuals who are not intimately related to the victim
Community Violence
Sexual assault, burglary, use of weapons, muggings, sound of gunfire, gangs, drugs, and racial divisions are examples of…
Community Violence
Social & Community Factors of Community Violence
work, education, media, population, organized religion, and community facilities
Who is at risk for community violence?
- people in poor, inner-city areas
- non-whites
- gang members
- substance abusers
- exposure to domestic violence (victim or witness)
Which gender is exposed to more community violence?
Which gender has a greater risk of being physically assaulted?
Which gender has a greater chance of being sexually assaulted?
Community Resiliency Factors
- stable housing
- access to health care
- social support
- economic stability
Risk Factors for Youth Violence
- prior history of violence
- drug, alcohol, and/or tobacco use
- poor grades
- poor family functioning
- association with delinquent peers
- poverty
Characteristics of Students Who Kill
- Venting–having mood swings
- Vocalizing–threatening others
- Vandalizing–damaging property
- Victimizing–seeing themselves as the victim
- Vying–belonging to gangs
- Viewing–witnessing the abuse of others