Community Supports Flashcards
What are internal recovery model conditions?
Attitudes and processes that lead to change.
- Hope
- Healing
- Empowerment
- Connection
What are external recovery model conditions?
Experiences, policies, and practices that lead to recovery.
- Human rights
- Positive value of healing
- Recovery-oriented services
What are the 4 phases of most community services?
1) Engagement/Assessment
2) Planning
3) Implementation
4) End of Service/Transition
What is Engagement?
- Developing a relationship
- Assessing for strengths and needs
- Reviewing expectations/roles
- Contracting
What is Planning?
- Learning the client’s priorities
- Developing Goals and Objectives
- Anticipating and identifying challenges and opportunities
What is Implementation?
- Addressing the service plan goals and objectives
- Assisting the client to adopt/develop skills for all desired roles to foster independence
- Assessing if advocacy is needed
- Celebrate accomplishments
What is a case review?
When does it occur?
An important part of service - to ensure effective delivery and to ensure accountability.
Can occur periodically at any time throughout the process.
What is End of Service?
- Celebrate accomplishments
- Transition to other workers or none at all
- Status update on Goals and Objectives
How does the government fund community services?
- Special initiatives
- Proposal based
- Leveraging other levels of government
What are the 8 roles from the Frankel and Gelman reading?
1) Direct personal support
2) Short-term intervention
3) Broker/facilitator
4) Enabler/teacher/mediator
5) Advocate
6) Service coordinator
7) Tracking/follow-up
8) Meeting facilitator
What are the National Case Management Network of Canada’s 5 practice principles?
1) CM supports client rights
2) CM is purposeful
3) CM is collaborative
4) CM supports accountability
5) CM strives for cultural competency
What is the purpose of a regulatory college?
- Follow same rules
- Network
- Keep accountable
- Protect the public
What does it mean to be an intensive service?
- Multiple contacts with service providers
- Frequency of services/contact
- Loss of freedom
What does it mean that CM supports client rights?
Assessing and supporting the ability of individual clients to achieve their goals.
What does it mean that CM is purposeful?
Actions of CMs must address the specific needs of clients as documented in each client’s goals.
Assist clients in the selection of services and resources that are of the highest possible quality.
What does it mean that CM supports accountability?
Work to ensure equitable access to healthcare services and use of resources that is ethically and fiscally responsible.
What does it mean that CM strives for cultural competency?
CC awareness is displaying respect, appreciation, and sensitivity to the values, beliefs, lifeways, practices, and problem-solving strategies of a client’s culture/heritage.
What are 4 forms of case management?
1) Case management/service coordination
2) Wrap-around
3) Assertive Community Treatment Teams
4) Intensive Case Management
What is a Wrap-Around team?
- A voluntary committee to make plans to help people meet their goals.
- Believe that they’re not case management.
- Teams made up of family members, friends, professionals.
- Plan is built on the family’s strengths.
What are Wrap-Around’s 8 Key Principles?
1) Community-based resources
2) Individualized services for the family
3) Family-driven services
4) Interagency collaboration
5) Unconditional care
6) Measurable outcomes
7) Management of team meetings
8) Care coordinator
What are ACT teams?
Interdisciplinary teams that consists of nurses, admin, mental health workers, SW, OT, peer support, psychiatrist, team leader.
Who is eligible for ACT?
- Adults (16+)
- Must have a mental illness of psychosis or mood disorder
- Must have a high need for intensive services
What are the aims of ACT?
- Increased quality of life
- Improved housing stability
- Significant reduction in # of hospital admissions
- Significant reduction in hospital length of stay
- Decreased debilitating symptoms
What are some of the key services of ACT?
- Monitoring and assessment of mental illness symptoms
- Treatment of mental illness symptoms
- Medication delivery and administration
- Assistance with client goals
- Assistance with securing and maintaining stable housing
What does it mean if an objective is SMART?
Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time-sensitive
What are the purposes of goals?
- Focus our work
- Allow for agreement on contracting/going forward
- Documentation of goals
What are the stages of making referrals?
1) Hypothesizing and determining the severity of the problem
2) Client goals dictates selection of possible resources
3) Engage in efforts only to the degree that the client consents
4) Assessing client psychosocial barriers to follow through
5) Engage in helping efforts only to the degree that the client needs assistance
6) Make the referral in writing, by phone
7) Follow up on the referral
What is a First Line treatment?
Refers to prevention, assessment, and treatment providers.
I.e. GPs, social services, hospital emergency services, primary care clinics, etc.
What is an Intensive treatment?
Refers to mental health assessment, treatment, and support services.
Provided in community or hospital settings and are focused on people with serious mental illness.
What is a Specialized treatment?
Refers to highly specialized mental health programs provided in the community or hospital settings and which focus on serving people with serious mental illness who have complex, rare, and unstable mental disorders.
What is an example of a low, medium, and high intensive intervention for residential needs?
LOW: Family, home, or independent apartment
MEDIUM: Boarding homes & semi-independent apartment programs
HIGH: High support residential treatment program/group home
What is an example of a low, medium, and high intensive intervention for crisis needs?
LOW: Informal support network
MEDIUM: Crisis telephone line, mobile crisis service, hospital ER
HIGH: Inpatient hospitalization for stabilization
What are the SAMHSA Recovery components from 2012?
- Respect
- Hope
- Peer-support
- Holistic
- Many Pathways
- Relational
- Addresses trauma
- Culture
- Strengths/responsibilities
- Person driven
Which components of recovery were added from 2004 to 2012?
- Relational
- Addresses trauma
- Culture
Which components of recovery were dropped from 2004 to 2012?
- Empowerment
Which components of recovery were combined in 2004 to 2012?
Self-direction + Individualized & Person-Centered = Person Driven
Strength-based + Responsibility = Strengths/Responsibility
What is the case manager role “broker/facilitator”?
- Making referrals to social service agencies, other organizations.
- Enhancing support opportunities in a client’s family/friendship system.
- Keeping track of political winds, government policies.
- Knowing how referral organizations function, their program components, track record, and its staff.
What is the case manager role “enabler/teacher/mediator”?
- Be aware of each clients’ capacity to engage in the process.
- Provide learning opportunities
- Mediate in disputes between clients, clients and community services, or between personnel in agencies who are involved with your client.
What is the case manager role “advocate”?
- Acting on behalf of clients who are unable or unwilling to act on their own behalf.
- An essential part of case management practice.
What is the case manager role “service coordinator”?
- Working with clients very closely
- Need a comprehensive grasp of available resources.
- Need to act quickly to coordinate these services by acting as the hub in a social service wheel.
What is the case manager role “tracking/follow-up”?
- Tracking down clients after termination
- Learn long-term status of clients to see how well your case management program is doing