Community Property Flashcards
How to start every essay
1) CA is a CP state
2) There is a community presumption, in which all property that is acquired during marriage by labor of either spouse is presumed to be CP
3) There are four areas of SP: (i) property acquired b/f marriage; (ii) will / gift / inheritance; (iii) property acquired during marriage w/ separate funds; (iv) rent/issue/profits derived from SP.
4) To determine the character of an asset, a court will trace back to the source of funds used to acquire it.
5) CP can only be earned during the marital economic community. The marital economic community begins at marriage and ends when one party evinces an intent not to resume the marital relation and there is conduct consistent with that intent (e.g., divorce; death).
6) At divorce, CP assets are equally divided in kind, unless some special rule requires deviation or the spouses agree otherwise. A spouse’s SP remains her SP at divorce.
When does the marital economic community begin and end?
Begins: @ marriage
Ends: when one party evinces an intent not to resume the marital relation + there is conduct consistent with that intent. The EC ends upon death of one spouse or the date of separation.
How can the CP presumption be overcome?
(i) by showing the property was acquired by gift or was the fruit of SP; or
(ii) by tracing the acquisition to an SP source
Stock Options
If they vest during marriage, then treated as CP.
If they are only awarded during marriage, but vest after divorce/death, then…
––Marriage of Hug [deferred comp]: JD / JE = CP portion
––––JD = years from job to divorce
––––JE = years from job to date exercisable
––Marriage of Nelson [encourage retention]: AD / AE = CP portion
––––AD = years from date granted to divorce
––––AE = years from date granted to date exercisable
If goodwill of business is earned during marriage, there are two valuation techniques
(i) Market Sales Valuation: what would the value be if the business was sold? [lower]
(2) Capitalization of Past Excess Earnings: present value of future income stream stemming from goodwill [higher]
Education + Training
Not treated as devisable property. But upon divorce, equitable right of reimbursement to community if (1) CP funds used for edu. expenses AND (2) edu. substantially enhances earning capacity. Outstanding loans @ divorce go solely to educated spouse
- Defenses:
(i) already reaped benefit (10+y b/n contribution and divorce);
(2) other spouse received CP-funded edu.;
(3) need for spousal support substantially reduced by ability to engage in gainful employment
Valuing business / investments owned b/f marriage that increase in value during marriage
Pereira: use when spouse’s management efforts primarily contributed to growth of business
SP = Biz value @ marriage + (Biz value @ marriage X 10% X years married)
Van Camp: use when nature of the business was reason for the growth
CP = annual market salary for spouse’s service minus annual family expenses
Lucas + Anti-Lucas Statutes
This will come up when spouses have taken property as joint tenants
Upon death of a joint tenant: Per Lucas, taking title as joint tenants raises a presumption that property is CP, such that any SP used for down-payments is deemed to be a gift to the community, and there will be no reimbursement.
Upon divorce of joint tenants
––Under the Anti-Lucas statute, as to ownership, taking title as joint tenants raises a rebuttable presumption of CP.
––Under the Anti-Lucas statute, as to reimbursement, a spouse who contributed SP to property held in joint tenancy will be entitled to reimbursement for down payments, improvements, and principal payments on mortgage [D-I-P]
Classification: Personal Injury Recovery
Spouse-π v. 3P
––If CoA arises during marriage, PI award = CP
––If CoA arises after marriage, PI award = SP
––Upon divorce, community estate PI damages are given to injured spouse, unless interests of justice require otherwise. Note: if interests of justice are triggered, the non-injured spouse cannot get more than half
Spouse-π v. Spouse-π
––Recovery goes to injured spouse
Classification: Retirement Pension
Treated as CP if the RIGHTS were earned during marriage–when benefits are ultimately received is immaterial.
To determine CP portion of mixed asset (where employee continues to work after divorce) [time rule]: PV of pension X contribution years during marriage / total contributing years
Note: ERISA preempts CA law, such that the death f a NPS will relinquish her right to benefits
If spouse can retire, but refuses to do so, court can force private employer to pay the non-employee spouse her share of benefits; if the working spouse as a public employer, he will have to pay, as though he had retired
Classification Disability Pay or Workers’ Comp
Classification depends upon the intended purpose…
––If intended to replace marital earnings –> CP
––If intended to replace post-divorce earnings –> SP
Don’t get confused if the facts state that the disability benefits or WC were earned during marriage–for this asset, that is irrelevant.
Also: treat severance pay the same
Classification: Life Insurance
Term Insurance (no cash value): whoever pays last premium is the owner of the policy/proceeds at death
Whole Life Insurance (term insurance + savings plan): Apply pro rata rule to cash value of policy and last premium rule for remaining proceeds
Classification: property insurance proceeds
If CP used to pay premiums to insure SP, and there is a casualty of the SP, the proceeds are SP, but community has right of reimbursement
Requirements for Premartial agreement
(1) writing complies with SoF
––Defenses: full performance of oral promise; estoppel
(2) voluntary
Note: consideration is NOT required
Can a premarital agreement limit or waive spousal support?
Yes. Such agreements are NOT per se UNenforceable