Communications Flashcards
information radiator
Any of a number of handwritten, drawn, printed or electronic displays
Highly visible location,
all team members as well as passers-by can see the latest information at a glance
Team space agile tooling
tools for more effective communication (reduce roadblocks for collecting, maintaining and disseminating information)
types: low-tech high-touch tools, digital tools
Osmotic communications for co-located and/or distributed teams
Way information flows of background hearing
Pickup relevant information
Tune in or tune out whatever they hear
two-way communications (trustworthy, conversation driven)
Face to Face communication, email and chat
social media–based communication
social media–based communication
Basics of active listening
1) Focus your attention
2) Take notes
3) Paraphrasing
4) Summarizing
Need for brainstorming
1) level the playing field and discourage dominating personalities
2) the process helps increase the level of participation among ALL group members
3) it allows all members to participate regardless of level of experience or tenure with the company
XP feedback methods
1) Pair programming
2) Unit tests
3) Continuous integration
Caves and commons
Common area, private area of working(caves), sharing information
Team space configuration example
Place office furniture in the center of the space
Empty wall space available
Easy access to low-tech / high touch tools and supplies
Stock all of the team’s required technology
Solve problems informally and quickly
Completing working instead of formal structure process
Collaborate and communicate naturally
Distributed teams
Virtual team space
Virtual high tech/low touch tools
Virtual daily stand-ups
Virtual information radiators
Distributed teams challenges
Osmotic communication is not possible
Synchronization is difficult
All must work harder for basic communication and team goverance
Virtual team space
maximize team work productivity and focus
Grouped with other virtual team members
Web based info-sharing solution
Virtual team space best practices
Maintain a metaphor for the project vision
Frequent and multiple scheduled meetings
Distributed team concepts - Impacts
Globalization (Communication/collaboration issues,team sizes, process adjustments)
Culture - agile approach differs from current culture
Diversity - (uniqueness of each team individual, independent thinking, creative and unique contributions)
Schneider culture model
Dominant culture in the organization Collaboration - Scrum Control - kanban Competence - agile Cultivation - xp and scrum method
Find dominant culture type
Understand values and principles
What is important to team
Discover how people approach work
how people relate to one another
Questions in active listening
1) Prefer open-ended questions
2) Clarifying questions
3) Ask for more information
4) Ask for their opinions and analysis
5) When you aren’t getting it, let the speaker know
6) Listen all the way to the end
The Nuances in Active Listening
1) Use silence
2) Body language
3) Acknowledge, and ask about emotions
4) Validate concerns
5) Verify assumptions
Five Steps to Effective Brainstorming in Agile Projects
Step 1: Who wants to Lead? Step 2: Ready, Set, Goal. Step 3: Got an Idea? Share it. Step 4: Put the Puzzle Together. Step 5: Solve it as a Team.
The Generic Brainstorming Meeting Process
1) Location matters
2) Have a specific purpose
3) Know what you want, and what to do with it
4) Know how to facilitate
5) Put the focus on the list
6) Comfort is key
7) Establish the ground rules
8) Postpone criticism
Scrum feedback methods
1) Daily scrum
2) Sprint
Agile process which supports feedback
1) Code reviews
2) Static code analysis
3) Automated integration tests
4) Automated acceptance tests
5) Having the customer and business experts work closely with you throughout the process
6) Increasing the frequency of releases tenfold (at least to test environments)