Communication & negotiation Flashcards
What skills do you need to communicate effectively?
Attentive listener
Be clear
Harness non-verbal communication
How do you ensure that the frequency of communication is acceptable?
What are the different ways you can communicate with clients?
When would you choose to use written communication over verbal communication or a face to face meeting?
What barriers to effective communication have you come across?
Tell me about your negotiating style
Why is negotiation important?
What is principled negotiation?
What can be a barrier to negotiating effectively?
What would be a good way to facilitate negotiations in your role?
Why do you consider that discussing matters in person might be effective?
What are the alternatives to this?
Why can these alternatives present challenges?
Tell me about how you communicate effectively (and responsibly) using social media
What do RICS set out as best practice for the use of social media?
What RICS guidance is this best practice set out within?
How do you use visual media to communicate with clients, e.g. before & after photographs?
Tell me about how you conduct yourself in negotiations
Tell me about how you ensure good communication
Tell me about an example of when you have negotiated effectively
Tell me about an example of when you have communicated effectively
Tell me about your negotiating style
Give me an example of when you have communicated using a complex written report
How did you present to your colleagues effectively?
What are the four methods of communication?
Communication & Negotiation - Level 1
- Verbal
- Non-verbal
- Visual
- Written
What are the key factors to a successful negotiation?
Communication & Negotiation - Level 1
- Be prepared
- Ensure sufficient time is allowed to complete the negotiation
- Focus on effectiveness communication, don’t talk over the other person, listen to them and their reasoning etc
How do you adopt your communication methods to the type of person you are communicating with?
Communication & Negotiation - Level 2
- If talking to a layperson I use non-technical language and ensure I take time to explain things efficiently
- If I am talking to an experienced professional within the industry then I can use technical language more freely
How do you provide excellent levels of client care?
Client Care - Level 1
- Communicating clearly
- Seek feedback from clients
- Develop long term business relationships
- Ensure regular contact and updates throughout instructions
Talk me through your firm’s CHP
Client Care - Level 1
- Written complaint goes to offices appointed complains handler
- Acknowledgement of complaint is sent within 7 working days along with our understanding of the case and gives the complainent to add to the case
- Within 28 days we will procide the outcome of the investigation and any actions that may or have happened
- If the complainent is not happy with the result, it can be referred to another person in a different office for review, this will be done in 21 days
- If the complaint is still unresolved then we will refer the case to CEDR
When was the Complaints Handling Guidance Note last updated?
Client Care - Level 1
- 2016
What are some key principals from the Complaints Handling Guidance Note?
Client Care - Level 1
- Publish your complaints-handling procedure and signpost your clients to this.
- Record all complaints in a complaints log.
- Make sure everyone who works for you understands what complaints should be logged and where.
How do you understand your clients needs?
Client Care - Level 2
Ask them
Why might the lender from Hardgate not accept ex-LA flats outwith London or Edinburgh?
Client Care - Level 2
- Each lender has their own appetite for risk
How did you report the flat at Hardgate as unsuitable security?
Client Care - Level 2
- Ticked unsuitable security box, reported nil value and explain reason in general remarks
How did you inform the client at Dinnet of the delay and how did you manage their expectations?
Client Care - Level 2
- Emailed them explaining the reason for delay, steps being taken to resolve it and timeline for dealing with it
Give an example of a successful negotiation you have been involved in.
What examples can you give of effective communication?
What methods of presentation are there?
What are the fundamentals of negotiation strategies?
What is meant by “Without Prejudice” on written documents?
What is a graphic presentation?
What is effective communication?
How has use of social media affected your work/the profession/the market?
Describe your use of Graphic and Presentation skills.
Are you writing letters and drafting reports?
Describe a negotiation of yours. Tactics etc.
How do you deal with a challenge to one aspect, such as the valuation?
How do you apply your communication skills to the reporting of a lengthy Scheme II or Home Report as a verbal report?
What is status of letter versus email?
Give an example of a written presentation/graphic/oral presentation.
Give an example of where a negotiation did not give you the desired outcome.