Common Viral Quickie Flashcards
What are some causes for mono?
Burkitt lymphoma, nasopharyngeal cancer, EBV, HHV4
Treatment for mon
How long is varicella and herpes contagious?
1-2 days before rash to 5 days after first crop of vesicles
Transmission of cytomegalovirus?
Urine,saliva, breast milk,semen, cervical secretions
Complications of varicella and herpes zoster?
Reye’s syndrome
How to diagnose cytomegalovirus?
Newborn in urine
Permanent deafness
Sudden onset low grade fever w/ mild constitutional symptoms and skin eruptions that quickly evolve
Should you immunize a pregnant female for rubella?
How is mumps spread?
When do we immunize the children for rubeola?
15 months
Which is the live polio vaccine?
Orchtiitis, oophoritis, sterility uncommon, pancreatitis
Infant w/ icterus, purpura, chorioretinitis, petechiae, hepatosplenomegaly, convulsions and intracereebral calcifications
If you get rubeola can you get it again?
What is the treatment for varicella?
VZIG w/in 96 hrs of exposure
Fever, swelling/ tenderness of one or more salivary glands; usually the parotid, sometimes the sublingual/submaxillary
What are the causes of death from varicella?
Pneumonia in adults and septic complications in children
How is varicella and herpes spread?
Droplet or airborne spread to vesicle or respiratory tract secretions
What is communicability for measles?
Just before prodrom to 4 days after the appearance
If you get mono can you get it again?
When is rubella contagious
1 wk before onset and 4 days after onset of rash
Abnormal LFT, lymphocytosis
What area are more irritated in varicella?
Diaper and axilla
If you get polio can you get it again?
What is chicken pox?
Maculopapular few hours, vesicular 3-4 days, then granular scab, monocular and asynchronous
What is the treatment for cytomegalovirus?
First trimester identification is imperitaive because of congenital _____ syndrome
Spontaneous abortion during 1st trimester
How is rubella spread?
Nasopharyngeal secretions, infants w/ CRS
How is poliomyelitis spread?
Pharyngeal, fecal to oral
Fever, sore throat, cervical lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, jaundice, but normal LFT
How long is mumps contagious?
6-7 days before parotitis, 5 days after onset CDC says to isolate
What causes death from measels?
Pneumonia or encephalitis <5y/o
Lymphadenopathy postauricular, occipital, and post cervical, preceded rash by5-10 days w/ forscheimer spots
Severe muscle pain, back stiffness, asymmetric paralysis w/o sensory loss?
Acute poliomyelitis
How do you diagnose rubella?
CSF in newborn
Koplik spots w/ what?
Measles (rubeola)
When is the most severe form of cytomegalovirus?
Perinatal period, intrauterine infection, blood transfusion to seronegative infants
Who is most common to get cytomegalovirus?
Post transplant infections
Late manifestation of rubella?
Type 1 diabetes
Can cause early uterine death, spontaneous abortion, deafness, cataracts, microphthalmia, glaucoma, microcephalic, PDA, cataracts
Red blotchy rash, begins on face, then trunk then extremities, generalized 4-7 days, with a vitamin A deficiency?
Measels (rubeola)