Common Argumentative Form Flashcards
How is author proving their point?
Common argumentative form is used for
Describe questions
Argument form
For her vacation in January, Sheila should go to Canada, Florida or Hawaii. However, it is cold in Canada and it is hurricane season in Florida, so Sheila will go to Hawaii
Rejecting Alternative eliminating alternate options
Describe question
Which one of the following most accurately describes the method of reasoning?
Describe question
Correct answer- an accurate description of reasoning employed in the stimulus
Wrong answers - wrong argument form, only concentrating on part and not whole picture
The argument proceeds by employing which of the following approaches
Describe question
Correct answer- an accurate description of reasoning employed in the stimulus
Wrong answers - wrong argument form, only concentrating on part and not whole picture
Argument form
all students at morris high school study biology during their sophomore year, so Katie, who is a student at morris must have studied biology during her sophomore year
Applying a general principle
Describe question
Argument form
The students disagreed weather the correct answer choice for the calculus problem was X or Y. However, professor Janet, a noted mathematician, says it is X, so it must be X. Describe
Appealing to an authority ( parent, teacher, etc)
Argument form
It is widely believed that mammals cannot fly. Since bats are mammals and they can fly, this belief is clearly mistaken. Describe
Using a counter example
Argument form
Just as Ford’s reputation for producing a solid product helped it to succeed, our new clothing line must build a similar reputation to guarantee long-standing success. Describe.
Making an analogy
My friend argued that he should get the last slice of pizza because he touched it first. By that reasoning, no one could eat any pizza at all except the chef who took it out of the oven. Describe
Using a line of reasoning to draw an absurd conclusion ( generally 2nd perspective)
Argument form
The teacher hypothesized that the students were restless because it was raining during recess, so they did not get to run around. Alternatively, principal believes that it is due to the boring nature of their math class. Describe
Proposing an alternate cause for an observed effect, alternate explanation.
Argument form
Ari: sports mascot should not be considered part of team. Sports teams involve people working together, and mascots generally don’t interact with the players
Jess: soccer golies don’t interact with other players, but they are always considered a member of the team
Undermining a premise or conclusion ( generally 2nd perspective)
Argument form
Martin: CGI animation is easier to produce than traditional hand drawn animation, and CGI animated features do far better at box office. Traditional animation will soon be entirely replaced by CGI
Natalie: traditional animation is experiencing increasing demand from audiences of independent films who dislike CGI
Offering new evidence/ challenging an assumption ( generally 2nd perspective)
Responds to the argument by
Argument derives it’s conclusion by
Which of the following most accurately describes the technique used in the passage to weaken the argument for the claim
The argument proceeds by implying which one of the following approaches
Describe question