Commercial PTS Maneuvers Multi Engine sequence (Cessna 310) Flashcards
What technique is good to use to setup for virtually any maneuver?
G-gas, gear U-undercarriage M-mixture P-props, power, pumps S-switches, seat belts
Good sequence for maneuvers
Short field takeoff Clearing turn Steep turn Slow flight Power off stall Accelerated stall Power on stall Vmc demo Emergency descent OEI approach
Steep turn
+-100 ft, 10 mph, 5 bank 50 degrees, 10 hdg
Setup PTS does not state min altitude but 3000 agl (min 7000) Gumps 20" 2300 rpm Approx 150 mph depending on atmosphere Pumps on
Roll left passing 30 degrees 22”
Roll out on hdg and roll right
Dot just above horizon
Slow flight
+-50ft, +5/-0 mph, 5 bank, 10 hdg
Setup Gumps 15" map Props full Flaps 15 below 160, 40 below 140, Gear down below 140
Execution Slow to MCA (just above stall)stall horn Power as needed to hold alt (18-20") Power=altitude, pitch = airspeed Maneuver as directed, less 10 degrees of bank
Power off stall
3000 agl
+-10 mph, 5 bank, 10 hdg
Setup shoud be set up from slow flight Clearing turns Gumpppss Select tgt descent alt 15" Props full Flaps 15 under 160, 40 under 140 Slow and pitch for 95 mph
Execution At 95 mph Power idle Prior to reaching tgt alt pitch to maintain alt Call out stall horn Recover at buffet Power full Pitch for horizon line Positive rate, gear up, flaps 30, above 111, flaps up
Power on stall
3000 agl, +- 10 mph, 5 bank, 10 hdg
Setup Gumpppss 15" Flaps 15 Slow to 95
Execution At 95, power to 21" map (65%) Pitch up 20 degrees for stall Right rudder due to torque Call out stall horn Recover at buffet Pitch down for horizon but stay positve pitch Flaps up at 111 Establish cruise
Accelerated stall
No hdg/alt/bank tolerances in PTS
Completed above 3000 agl
Performed no faster than 1.2 Vs(84)= (100mph)
Roll into approx 45 deg bank
Recover at onset of buffet verbalizing symptoms
Recover to alt/hdg/airspeed as dir by DPE
VMC demo
Recognizes loss of dir control
Recovers within 20 degrees of entry hdg or stall horn whichever occurs first
Recovers to Vyse(blue) on recovery plus 5 mph
Setup-clear Gumpppss 15" Gear up flaps up Power as req to hold 122 mph
At 122 mph
Reduce power to idle on critical engine
Power full on operative engine
Pitch to slow 1 mph per sec
At first indication of loss of dir control (sometimes instructor will put their foot behind pedal to limit rudder authority, ie. max 150 lbs, if not, at high altitudes or big rudder, stall horn will likely sound first )
Reduce power on operating engine and pitch for blue
Power full on operating engine and maintain blue
Power throttle up on critical engine and establish cruise
Loss of engine
Maintain control, pitch for blue line 111 mph Mixture full Props full Power full Gear up, flaps up Fix or feather Secure engine, gas off, mixture, mags, pump gen
Fix, gas, mixture, mags, pump, gen
Feather, prop lever aft
Restart engine, mixture full, prop full, throttle forward enough to extinguish horn (12”), pump, crank until windmill then mags to both, fuel pump off, gen on
let it warm up for several minutes (cht) then step it up a couple inches at a time: 100, then 150, then 200 degrees until close to the green.
Single engine approach and landing
Approach speed is as normal as possible so fly 120 mph approach until over the fence then105 then flare for 95
Gear down when landing assured
Flaps down when landing assured
In the pattern it is good to maintain same habits of putting gear down before perch and 15 degrees of flaps, flaps will improve lift and gear will provide stability.
Once committed to land, you slow to 95 over fence as you pull operative throttle back to the other then pull both back. Once below 95 (Vmcse) go around is impossible
PTS for instrument approach:
Accomplishes engine failure actions appropriately
Alt within 100, airspeed within 10 and hdg within 10
Checklists complete before FAF
On final approach segment, no more than 3/4 deflection
Emergency descent
This is required for:
Loss of pressure, o2, smoke and fumes
Gumpppss Throttles idle Props full Mixture rich Flaps 15 at below 160, down below, 140 Gear down below 140 Pitch down for no faster than 140 Bank for 30-45 degrees to lose vertical lift
Recovery Roll out and slowly pitch for recovery alt Clean up Throttle smoothly to 18" Rpm 2300 Mixture set
Short field landing
+-5 mph, -0, + 100 ft of landing point
Select landing point
Follow normal landing checklist until est on final
Gumpppss completed before final app or TPA
Gear down flaps 40 typically on short final
Establish 100 mph app
Wind correction
Slow to 90 mph when committed to land
If landing cannot be done in 100 ft, perform go around
Max brake
OEI approach
Recognizes failure and takes app action Maintains dir contol ( stepping on the ball and level ADI at this point) Pitch for blue line 111 initially fly approach at 120 if able Mixture full Props full Throttle full ID and verify Gear up, flaps up Unable to fix so feather Secure Fly stable approach Touches down first third of rwy Applies crosswind inputs Completes checklists: descent, GUMPS b4 FAF