Combined discuss and explinations exam 1 Flashcards
the combination of the 4 exam 1 sections define, discuss, and explain section
Explain the requirements of a forensic scientist.
- Identify human remains (main job)
- Document the cause of human death
- Recover human remains
- Assist in criminal investigations with scientific analysis of evidence
Explain the difference between the standard scientific method and the steps in a forensic investigation.
The standard scientific method goes by: hypotheses, tests, experiments, data collection, and analyze
For a forensic investigation since it is an uncontrolled environment with the experiment being the crime scene. So the method would be this: analysis, data collection, experiment, test, and hypotheses.
What are the standard steps in a forensic investigation?
- Collect data
gather witness testimony
review medical history - Examination
conduct autopsy
toxicology/DNA testing
Correlate photographic evidence - Reporting
make case repost
testify if needed
Explain the difference between scientific and non-scientific evidence
The difference between Scientific evidence and non-scientific evidence is that scientific evidence consists of real, physical evidence that links the suspect to the incident while non-scientific evidence consists of statements/testimonies made under oath, photos, sketches, or eye-witness statements.
Admissibility of evidence standards
Admissible evidence is what it purports to be: It is genuine and not fabricated, contrived, forged, or materially altered.
What are the main functions of the skeletons?
Support, Motion, Protection, and Growth
what are the components of a bone’s structure?
the outer layer is called compact bone
the inner layer is spongy bone which contains bone marrow
the center is the medullary cavity which has yellow marrow
Explain how the hyoid and mandible function and their structures.
Mandible: freely movable joint in the skull; Joins temporal bones
Hyoid bone: only bone that doesn’t articulate with other bones; mid-neck region; movable base for the tongue; attachment point for neck muscles
How do the skull bones develop?
When born, fontanels or soft spots are present in the skulls of babies so that they can get through the birth canal.
When growing up, these soft spots start to gradually harden up as the separate bones in the skull suture together.
You can no longer feel the pulse through the fontanels after 22 - 24 months
What is the structure and functions of the vertebral column?
the vertebral column consists of
7 cervical vertebra (allows for movement of the head)
12 thoracic vertebra (supports the ribs and internal organs)
5 lumbar vertebra(holds the weight of the body)
inbetween the individual disks in the vertebra are intervertebral disks that cushion and absorb shock to the spine
What is the structure and function of the thoracic cage?
made of 12 pairs of ribs and the thoracic vertebrae
protects the vital organs
holds the shoulder girdle and upper limbs
provides attachment sites for many muscles
what is the structure and function of the appendicular and axial skeleton?
the appendicular skeleton consists of the bones for the limbs, shoulders, and pelvic girdles that attach them to the body.
the axial skeleton consists of the bones that protect the vital, organs like the skull and ribs.
What are the differences between the male and female pelvis?
the hole size
sacrum/coccyx placement (male being more stiff and tucked in)
the pubic arch being more pointy in men and women being more rounded
what are the types of bone fractures?
How are bone fractures healed?
closed reduction: put back in place with hands
Open reduction: surgery
Inflammation: bruising, swelling in the area
Soft callus: tissue repair, growth of new tissues and capillaries
Hard callus: replacing the soft callus with hard spongy bone
Patch: a permanent patch over the broken area
Remodeling: fine-tuning the initial patch for the next 6 months to a year, making the bone stronger than it was before
different joint types
Fibrous: immovable like sutures in the skull
Facet joints: Flexible
Synovial joints: like the highly movable joints of the ankles, knees, fingers, and wrists.
i) Cartilage
ii) Synovial cavity/fluid
iii) Bursa
iv)Tendons and Ligaments
Injury to a joint
a) Dislocation
i) Bone is forced out of normal position in the joint cavity
b) Arthritis
i) Inflammatory jointow to time
c) Bursitis: inflammation
i) Water in an area usually due to injury
ii) Inflammation of the bursae or synovial membrane
d) Sprain
i) Tendon and ligaments of reinforcing joints are damaged by excessive stretching
collecting humans remains process
orderly and careful search of the area
each bone fragment is marked/flagged
making sure to look at the dispersal of found fragments
not disturbing it until photographed and documented
What are the steps in analyzing skeletal remains?
Determining if the material found is bone
Determining whether the bone is human or animal
Determining how many individuals are present
Determining how old was the person
what are the steps in determining the age of an individual from their bones?
Looking at the epiphysis of specific bones
the stage of skull fusion sutures
Bone density
Rib and pelvic morphology
estimated age ranges: fetal, infant, child, adolescent, young adult, adult, old adult
what are the steps in determining stature?
looking at the epiphyseal line on the end knobs of long bones. if under 20, the line with be there and fusion will be in the 20s
what are the steps in determining age?
Pubic symphysis
joint morphology
subtle changes in the pelvis, bones, ribs, and remodeling in the cellular structure
how do they do reconstruction of an individual’s remains?
figure out as much information about the person’s race, ethnicity, age, sex
Use a tissue thickness sample chart
glue pegs of different lengths to the skull at different points
use clay to fill in the areas, using the pegs as a guide, to get a good feeling of what the skin may have looked like
what is the structure of the tooth?
Crown: portion above the gum
Root: portion below the gum
Enamel: outer coating of the tooth
Dentine: the tissue inside of the tooth (white part)
Pulp cavity: the living network canal within the tooth
Root canal: bottom of the tooth point where the blood vessels reach into the pulp cavity
When do adult teeth start forming
9 months old
When do all primary teeth fall out?
they start to fall out at 6 and stop around 9 years old
when are all adult teeth in?
all adult teeth except for wisdom teeth are in usually by 11 years old
do wisdom teeth come in?
between the ages of 19 - 21 years old
How can dental records identify an individual?
the DNA from the nerve roots can be used for identification
andy dental work like: fillings, caps/crowns, root canals, bridges, different tooth shapes, disorders in the mouth
How can dental records and data tell the age, occupation, habits, and identity through bite marks?
Age: from what stage the teeth are in if wisdom teeth are in
occupation: If the person holds things in their mouth. causing wear patterns on the teeth (like holding pins or nails)
Habits: Erosion on the back of the teeth from an eating disorder or alcoholism; also smoking cigarettes or pipes