Colour vision Flashcards
What is colour vision?
Colour vision is an illusion
Colour vision is created by the interactions of neurons in our eye and visual cortex, it is projected onto the world we see
Why did colour vision develop?
Permet d’offrir plus d’information sur les objets
- Form perception colour : distinguish surfaces on basis of energy and wave length
- Food
- Mating
- Pollination
Fraction visible d’une champ électromagnétique perçu par les yeux?
Eye sensitive to small fraction of the energy : spectrum between 400-700 nm
Ondes plus longues : radio waves, microwaves
Ondes plus courtes : x-rays, gamma-rays
Quelle molécule contient les opsins?
Light sensitive opsins contain a molecule « retinal » which changes shape when it absorbs a photon of light
Quels sont les 4 types de photorécepteurs dans la human retina?
S-cone : short wavelength (blue) = 420 nm
M-cone : medium wavelength (green) = 534 nm
L-cone : long wavelength (rouge) = 564 nm
Rods = 498 nm
Rods versus cones peak of densities
Rod peak : 18° de la fovea
Cone peak : fovea
Combien de récepteurs différents faut-il minimalement pour avoir une colour vision?
Colour vision requires at least 2 different types of light receptor which response optically to different wavelengths of light
Que signifie tricromacy?
Trichromacy : depends on 3 classes of retinal cone photoreceptors
Each type of cone covers a range of frequencies.
Primarily sensitive to a particular portion of the spectrum.
S-cones : bluish-violet light
M-cones : bluish-green
L-cones : yellowish-green
Quels sont les types de cones les plus fréquents sur la rétine?
Majority of cones in the retina are L-cones and M-cones.
The ratio of L to M cones varies across individuals
L and M cones have a random spatial arrangement across the retina
Foveal pit contains mainly L & M cones
% de photorécepteurs s-cones sur la rétine?
S-cones account for 8-10% of all retinal photoreceptors
S-cones have a very low density in the foveal region (3-5% of total cone population)
Maximum density of 12-15% on the foveal slope (1 degree from foveal pit)
8% of the total cone population elsewhere in the retina
Most sensitive to blue-violet light
Vrai ou Faux concernant les cones :
1. Ratio of S to L & M cones is CONSTANT
2. Ratio of L to M VARIES
Réponse : VRAI pour les deux énoncés
Vrai ou Faux : Chromatic contrast requires large areas
What are the two types of colour opponent ganglion cells?
Several PR may send their information to one ganglion cell.
Certains colours are NEVER seen in combination.
Cannot see reddish green or bluish yellow.
There are two types of colour ganglion cells :
- Red/Green
- Yellow/Blue
Quels cones inhibent versus activent les Blue/Yellow ganglion cell?
The Blue/Yellow ganglion cell is EXCITED by BLUE cone stimulation and INHIBITED by the sum M and L cone activation.
Quels cones inhibent versus activent les Red/Green ganglion cell?
Red light stimulates red cone, which INCREASES firing in Red/Green ganglion cell
Green light stimulates the green cone, which decreases firing the Red/Green ganglion cell
Types de congenital deficits des couleurs
Protanopia (longer wavelength : red/green confusion)
Deutanopia (middle wavelength : red/green confusion)
Tritanopia (short wavelength : blue/yellow confusion)
Rod monochromacy
S-cone monochromacy
Red-green le plus fréquent : 7-10% chez les H, X-linked
What is Köllner’s rule for acquired colour deficits?
Patients with RETINAL disease develop BLUE-YELLOW discrimination loss, whereas OPTIC NERVE disease causes RED-GREEN discrimination loss
- BLUE-YELLOW : Rétine
Exceptions include glaucoma (initially blue-yellow), central cone degeneration (may be red-green)
Zones du cortex impliquées dans les couleurs?
Colour and form : V1 + V2
Mainly colour : V4
Cerebral achromatopsia is due to damage to brain areas responsible for colour processing (V4, temporal lobe)
V2 et V4 are highly metabolically active; more than other areas of the cerebral cortex. Therefore they are prone to effects of reduced oxygen delivery which might result from stroke
In rod monochromatism, there is an absence of cones. Vision is monochromatic and visual acuity is poor. In contrast, in cerebral achromatopsia the retina is not damaged and the patient may have excellent acuity.
Quels déficits en couleur permet de détecter l’Ishihara?
N colour vision can read numbers : 25, 6, 8, 56, 29, 45
Protanopes and deuteranopes peuvent seulement lire : 25 et 26
Quels déficits en couleur permet de détecter l’Ishihara?
N colour vision can read numbers : 25, 6, 8, 56, 29, 45
Protanopes and deuteranopes peuvent seulement lire : 25 et 26
Tritanopia can read all numbers … permet pas pas de Dx
DONC Ishihara pour common RED-GREEN colour vision defects
Versus HRR permet de tester pour les 3 axes de couleurs : protan, deutan et tritan