Colo-Rectal cancer Flashcards
How much of the colon cancers are hereditary ?
Clinical presentation of colon cancer based on location of the lesion
70% of cases
- Blood in feces
- Tenesmus / difficulty in evacuation
Clinical presentation of colon cancer based on location of the lesion
Descending colon
- Blood in feces
- Tenesmus / difficulty in evacuation
same as sigmoid-colon
Clinical presentation of colon cancer based on location of the lesion
Transverse Colon
Aspecific symptoms: Tiredness, Anorexy, Blood in feces, And anemia.
Clinical presentation of colon cancer based on location of the lesion
Ascending Colon
Aspecific symptoms and pain in the inferior quadrants of the abdomen.
What is the most common metastasis of colon cancer ?
Liver (Through the portal vein)
What is the most common metastasis of rectal cancer ?
Lungs (Through vena cava)
what is the first exam to perform in case of blood in feces?
Digital exploration
Gold standard exam for colo-rectal cancer ?
When do we use trans-rectal ultrasound ?
To visualize invasion to the rectal wall
When do we use external abdominal US ?
To verify the presence of hepatic metastasis
What tumor marker can we use in the follow-up of colon cancer?
Serum CEA
What is the most used chemotherapeutic drug in colorectal cancer ?
What type of drug is Capecitabin ?
Pro-drug of 5-FU
This enzyme is more active in the neoplastic tissues than those normal
To which family of drugs does Irinotecan belongs to ?
Topoisomerase I inhibitors