College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) - Practice Standards for Scope of Practice Flashcards
The College of Nurse of Ontario (CNO)’s ___ is to protect the public by promotingsafe nursing practice.
Which practice standard outlines the legislated scope of nursing
practice and other key requirements for nurses
when deciding whether to perform an activity
for safe client care?
Scope of Practice
What refers to a range of activities
that nurses’ have the legislated authority to
Scope of Practice
What is defined in legislation, namely the Nursing Act, 1991 and the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA)?
Employer policies and practice setting requirements, as
well as the individual nurse’s ___, also
impact nurses’ decisions and accountability
related to scope of practice.
Which standard outlines the expectations for all nurses when determining if they have the authority to
perform a specific activity, if it is appropriate
for them to perform, and if they are competent to perform the activity safely?
Scope of Practice
The ___ ___, 1991, defines the nursing
scope of practice as:
The practice of nursing is the promotion
of health and the assessment of, the
provision of care for and the treatment
of health conditions by supportive,
preventive, therapeutic, palliative,
and rehabilitative means to attain or
maintain optimal function.
Nursing Act
This standard expands on the accountabilities
found in the ___ of ___, the
central practice standard for nurses.
Code of Conduct
The Code
Contravening legislation or failing
to meet the standards of practice could be
professional ___.
Which three key concepts must a nurse consider to meet the expectations of the Scope of Practice?
Nurses must know their legislated scope of practice, including controlled acts and ___ ___.
authorizing mechanisms
Which key concept is a nurse determining if their practice environment or setting supports the performance of an activity and has the available
resources to support safe client care?
Which key concept is a nurse ensuring they have the individual knowledge, skill and judgment to perform an activity?
What does each key concept include?
Nurses must ensure they have the legal ___ prior to performing any activity.
What is ensuring that practice complies with all relevant legislation, the appropriate authorizing mechanisms are in place, and assessment of the context of their practice and competence to ensures providing safe client care?
Which regulatory body applies to all
regulated health professions?
Regulated Health Professionals Act (RHPA)
Which regulatory body is specific to
the nursing profession?
Nursing Act
Which two acts give nurses the legal authority
to perform activities, including controlled acts?
Regulated Health Professional Act (RHPA)
Nursing Act
Which acts are defined in the Regulated Health Professionals Act (RHPA) as acts which may be performed only by authorized regulated health professionals?