College 8 Flashcards
What are the 5 neuropsychological test factors?
- Past history
- Psychological factors
- Genetic factors
- Other factors
- Methodological factors
What is the APA definition of psychometrics?
The branch of psychology concerned with the quantification and measurement of mental attributes, behavior, performance and the like, as well as with the design, analysis, and improvement of the tests, questionnaires, and other instruments used in such measurement
What are the 4 types of reliability (+explanation)
- Inter-rater reliability: dezelfde uitkomst bij 2 researchers
- Test-retest reliability: dezelfde uitkomst later bij dezelfde persoon
- Parallel-forms reliability: vergelijkbare test met dezelfde uitkomst
- Internal consistency reliabilty: items in 1 test zijn gecorreleerd
What are the 6 types of validity?
- Face validity: ziet het er valide uit
- COntent validity: is het volledig
- Predictive validity: kan het een soortgelijk construct voorspellen?
- Concurrent validity: komt het overeen met een soortgelijk construct dat op hetzelfde moment wordt afgenomen
- Conergent validity: komt het overeen met dingen dat zou moeten
- Discriminant validity: wijkt het af van dingen dat zou moeten
What is sensitivity?
Probability of a positive test, given that a person is affected
What is specificity?
Probability of a negative test, given that a person is healthy
What are 3 ways to compare information?
- Norm based: how does someone perform compared to a norm group
- Criterion based: does someone meet the criteria of an injury
- Base rates: how often do similar conitions occur
What are floor/ceiling effects?
Floor effect: when most subjects score near the bottom, too high cut off score (too hard)
Ceiling effect: when most subjects score near the top, too easy
How to avoid bias in case of fatigue?
Avoid NPO in the evening or when tired
Provide a break
How to avoid bias in case of agitation/anxity
Explain aims of assessment and how it works
Use positive feedback
Provide a break
How to avoid bias in case of depression/apathy
Schedule a follow-up assessment when mood or motivation has improved
How to avoid bias in case of an non-native speaker?
Assess with the help of an interpreter (could be tricky if its not a professional)
Use non-verbal tests
How to avoid bias in case of medication effects?
Schedule assessment when off medication or when drug side effects are lower
Be aware of each drug’s adverse effect
How to avoid bias in case of a visual impairment?
Use oral tests
How to avoid bias in case of a hearing impairment
Speak loudly, and check for understanding
How to avoid bias in case of pain
Reschedule for when pain-free
How to avoid bias in case of a noisy or overstimulating environment?
Perform NPO in the appropriate environment
How to avoid bias in case of practice effects?
Avoid repeating assessment too frequently
Use parallel forms or similar tests
How to avoid bias from assessor experience?
Use standardized instructions
What is a p-value?
The probability that a statistical summary of the data would be as extreme (or more) than its observed value
Wat is handig aan Bayesian statistics?
Er is geen all-or-nothing decision gebaseerd op arbitraire criteria
What is an effect size?
The quantative measure of the strength of a phenomenon
What are error bars?
Graphical representations of variability
What is replication of an experiment?
Re-performing the experiment and collecting new data
What is reproduction of an experiment?
Re-performing the same analysis with the same code using a different analyst
What are the effects of low statistical power?
Reduces chance of detecting a true effect
Reduces the likelihood that a statistically significant result reflects a true effect (=power)
What is p-hacking?
Manipulation of data to arrive at a desired p-value
What is Harking?
Hypothesizing after the results are known
What is the publication bias?
Selective publication of studies based on their results
Negative (geen sig resultaat) studies are less likely to be published