College 4 Flashcards
What is selective attention?
The process of directing our awareness to relevant stimuli while ignoring irrelevant stimuli in the environment
Wat relevant is verschilt per persoon
Wat is sustained attention?
Being able to keep your focus on a task for a longer time
Wat is divided attention
Ability to divide attention over multiple tasks
Wat is de attention span?
Amount of (visual) elements that can be processed in parallel
Wat is het verschil tussen top-down en bottom-up processing?
Top-down is bewust, heb je controle over en is vaak task-related
Bottom-up is automatisch en wordt gedreven door stimulus characteristics (bijvoorbeeld visual salience)
Niet alles is met top-down/ bottom-up te verklaren
Wat is visual salience?
De color intensity, orientation (wat salient is, hangt af van de context waarin een item is)
Hoelang duurt het effect van visual salience?
Ongeveer 200 ms, gebeurt alleen bij snelle reactietijd
Wat is een saccade?
A quick movement of both eyes aimed at foveating something
foveating= to bring into the fovea
Wat is een fixation?
Fixing of the eyes on something in our visual field
Met welke taak wordt sustained attention gemeten?
Met de Sustained Attention to Response Task (SART)
Wat is attentional flexibility?
The ability to shift attention between different objects or tasks
Denk aan de TMT-B (alfabet/nummers lijnen trekken)
Wat zijn de switching costs in attentional flexibility?
Increases reaction time and decrease in accuracy after a switch
What is smooth pursuit?
The tracking of a moving object with the eyes/ fixing the eyes on a stationary item suring self motion
What is the Yerkes Dodson Law?
the simpler the task (saaier), the higher the optimal arousal leven
What is the inhibition of return? At which age is this found?
Inhibition of returning your gaze to a location where you have already looked. It is found in infants from 6 to 26 weeks
Uit welke regions bestaat het frontal attention network? (6)
De inferior parietal sulcus (IPS), superior parietal lobule (SPL), postcentral sulcus (poCes), PrCes, precentral sulcus (PrCes) and superior frontal sulcus (SFs)
Wat is the frontal attention network associated with? (3)
- Visual attention
- Directing attention
- Related to top-down attention
Welke regions zijn associated met de ventral attention network? (1)
Temporoparietal junction
Met welke functies is het ventral attention network geassocieerd? (4)
- Target detection
- Stimulus-driven
- Reorienting attention towards salient stimuli
- Related to bottom-up attention
Wanneer hebben value en visual salience het meeste effect op choise behavior?
Wanneer er niet al een sterke preference is.
What is binocular rivalry?
When perception switches between two images presented to the two eyes (bijv een bril met 2 kleuren glazen)
What disorders of attention can there be? (5)
- Developmental attention disorders
- Attention deficits due to focal lesions and hemorrhage
- Attention deficits following head injury
- Dementias
- Attention deficits in psychiatric patients
What problems exist in ADHD?
Problems with sustained attention; children can start avoiding tasks that require sustained effort
Difficulties attention to relevant cues and maintaining attention for prolonged periods of time
What types of cerebrovascular accidents can occur? And what does it entail?
- Hemorrhage –> a burst of a blood vessel in the brain
- Ischemic infarct: obstruction of an artery
- Transient ischemic attack (TIA) : soort van 2, maar dan kan de bloedprop bewegen
What infarct subtypes are there? (3)
- Embolic infarct in a major cerebral artery
- Lacunar infarct in one of the smaller penetrating arteries
- Water-shed infarct due to low perfusion pressure in an artery, leading to insufficient blood supply in regions that are furthest away
What cognitive effects can infarcts have?
All:Motor weakness
1. Embolic infarct: perceptual, and/or cognitive deficits
2. Water-shed infarct: language problems
3. Lacunar infarct: decrease in attentional functioning
Symptoms can vary depending on the location, size and type
What subtypes of hemorrhage are there?
- Subarachnoidal hemorrhage (in the protective layers around the brain)
- Intracerebral hemorrhage (burst of blood vessel)
What are the three pathological behavior patterns of Balint’s syndrome?
- Ocular apraxia: difficulty fixating an object
- Optic ataxia: difficulty pointing towards and grasping an object
- Simultanagnosia: inability to simultaneously perceive different aspects of a scene