Collective Learning Flashcards
What is the main thing that separates Humans from all other Earth animals?
Humans are Collective Learners.
Why can’t Chimpanzees and other similar animals do Collective Learning?
They have no precise way of explaining things; they can only show.
Why can Humans do Collective Learning?
We have precise language and writing to explain and to show things.
What is Collective Learning?
The sharing of knowledge and ideas with others; which typically leads to new ideas.
Why is Collective Learning so effective?
If a group of people each specialize in their own thing, when they come together, they don’t each need to know everything. It becomes kind of like a Collective Mind or Memory.
Why is Human Language so effective?
It is Symbolic.
Why is Symbolic Language so effective?
You can combine sounds to make different meanings, rather than having set sounds that mean one word or phrase.