Cognitive enhancers Flashcards
Wake-promoting agent that is FDA approved for treatment of daytime sleepiness associated with narcolepsy, sleep apnea and shift work sleep disorder.
Directly inhibits DAT and NET
Indirectly elevates serotonin, glutamate, histamine and orexin, and reduces GABA
Modafinil : Repantis et al. 2010
31 randomised controlled trials
-Positive for enhancing effects on attention
-No effects detected in memory, mood, or motivation
-Strong positive effects on executive functioning, memory and wakefulness during sleep deprivation
▪ Simple psychometric assessments:
▪enhancement of executive function
▪variably benefits attention, learning and memory
▪ More complex tasks:
▪enhances attention
▪enhances higher executive functions
▪enhances learning and memory
Amphetamine and methylphenidate:
▪ Prescription stimulants used to treat ADHD
▪ Repantis et al. (2010a) reviewed 19 randomised controlled trials on
effects of methylphenidate:
▪Large positive effect on memory (most prominently spatial
working memory)
▪No effects on attention, executive functioning and mood
Psychostimulants -Smith & Farah 2011
reviewed 28 studies on effects of
methylphenidate and amphetamine:
▪Enhanced recall and recognition of verbal material, only after
longer delays (1 hour – 1 week)
▪Working memory: mixed results (greater improvement for less
able subjects)
▪Cognitive control: mixed results, slightly more null results than
positive findings
Illieva et al. 2013
▪ Illieva et al. (2013) studied effects of MAS (Adderall) on 13 cognitive
▪No enhancement of cognition for participants in general, BUT:
▪Below-median baseline performers:
▪Improved word recall
▪Trend toward improved nonverbal IQ
Reduces glucose metabolism when solving math problems
Reduces activity in default network
Enhances processing speed
Positive effect on short and long-term memory
Coffee Smith 2005
▪ Exposed to physical hazzard and irregular/long working hours
▪ Accident: injury at work that requires medical attention
▪ Low caffeine consumption: 20.4 % reported accident in past 12
▪ High caffeine consumption: 9.6 % reported accident
Pharmaceutical companies cannot develop drugs for non-medical use
▪ Pipeline:
▪34 potential targets for improving cognition
▪8 currently in clinical development by top 10 pharmaceutical
▪Minority will prove effective and safe
▪Fewer more effective and safer than current treatments
▪Very small subset might be useful for CE
COMT enzyme
In the pre frontal cortex COMT inactivates dopamine. This is so importnt as it helps regulate memory and decision-making.
Val/val = high dopamine degradation = difficulties with functioning working memory
Met/met = low dopamine degradation = enhances cognitive abilities leads to overstimulation
Val/met = perfect
Amplification model
High baseline performance and cognitive enhancement interventions show synergistic effects
Cognitive stability
Shielding goals from distraction
Sustained attention
Cognitive flexibility
Switching between alternative goals
Adapt behaviour in response to change in environment