Cognition, psychosocial, and play progression Flashcards
Cognitive skills 0-8 months
0-1 month:
- Piaget Sensorimotor stage (birth to age 2)
- innate reflexes used to interact with the environment (sucking, gripping, and touching)
2-3 months:
- Piaget Sensorimotor stage
- learns about cause/effect as a result of reflexive motor patterns that are then repeated for enjoyment
4-5 months:
- Piaget Sensorimotor
- further awareness of cause and effect as voluntary movement patterns and eye hand coordination emerge
6-8 months
- 8 months object permanence starts to emerge
- infant anticipates spoon or bottle
- starts to form habits
Cognitive Skills 9-12 months
- increased organization and sequencing of scheme to do desired activity
- may have difficulty attending to event outside visual space
- begins to display particular behaviors to elicit a known reaction
Cognitive skills 12-18 months
- recruits help of an adult, attempts to activate a simple mechanisms
- approaches new challenges
- recognizes function of objects; relates objects
- experiments and actively solves problems
Cognitive skills 18-24 months
Piaget pre-operational stage
- symbolic representations
-imitates, copies
- child begins to think before acting
- child begins to replace trial and error with thought process
- child can predict effects
- child matches simple shapes into shape sorter
Cognitive skills 2 years
Piaget pre-operational stage (age 2-7)
- begins to relate experiences and see relationships between experiences
Cognitive skills 2.5 years
- demonstrates imitation of short sequences of occupation
Cognitive skills 3 years
- child can organize objects by size, and build a structure from a mental image
Cognitive skills four years
- child can build involved structures combining various planes, along with symmetrical designs
- child is able to utilize spatial awareness, cause-and-effect, and mental images in problem-solving.
Cognitive skills 5 years
-child explores combination of actions on multiple objects
- child begins to master skills
- can reason through simple problems
Cognitive skills 6- 9 years
Concrete operational stage (7-11 years)
- develops abstract reasoning
- can perform mental operation without working them out physcially
-flexible problem-solving
- can solve complex problems
Cognitive skills 10-12 years
Formal operation stage (piaget)- ages 11+
- begins to use formal, logical operations during schoolwork
- begins to form own thoughts and views
Cognitive skills 13-14 years
Formal operations stage
- makes plans
- begins to think about the long-term future
Cognitive skills 14+ years
Piaget- formal operations
- begins to think more about global concepts
- begins to focus on adult role, begins to make career plans
- these thought patterns progress from operational thought involving fantasies to the later formal operational stage which transforms fantasies into realistic thoughts and attainable goals
Psychosocial skills 0-8 months
Erikson- trust vs. mistrust (0-18 months)
- 1 month: infant realizes that survival and comfort will be met
- 3 months: develops body scheme
- 4-5 months: engages in interactive routines and continues in developing body scheme
- 6-8 months: recognizes strangers and emerging sense of self
Psychosocial skills 12-18 months
Has interest in watching family routines (still in Erikson’s trust vs. mistrust stage)