Cognados 6 Flashcards
introducir (fc)
= to present or insert an idea or object
DOES NOT MEAN to present a person to another; instead use “presentar”
jornada (fc)
DOES NOT MEAN journey; instead use “viaje”
= a day’s work; short seminar or workshop
lectura (fc)
= reading
DOES NOT MEAN lecture; instead use “conference” or “ponencia”
local (pfc)
= local in the sense of being close by
also = store premise
localizar (pfc)
= to make local
DOES NOT MEAN to locate or find; instead use “situar” or “ubicar”
lujuria (fc)
DOES NOT MEAN luxury instead use “lujo”
= lust, lewdness, physical excess, voluptuousness
mandatorio (fc)
DOES NOT MEAN mandatory; use “obligatorio”
= governor or political head
intoxicado (pfc)
= intoxicated generally, ,but usually means a medical or physical reaction to a poison or bad food. for intoxicated in the alcoholic or drug sense use “ebrio” “borracho” or “drogado”
maneras (pfc)
= way of doing something
DOES NOT MEAN good habits or manners; instead use “modales”
manifestación (fc)
DOES NOT MEAN manifestation; instead use “expresión”
= demonstration, especially political
matrimonio (pfc)
DOES NOT MEAN matrimony as a legal state
= married couple
mediterraneo (pfc)
= the Mediterranean Sea
also = landlocked
miseria (pfc)
= poverty
DOES NOT MEAN suffering instead use “dolor” or “sufrimiento”
molestar (pfc)
= to bother
DOES NOT MEAN to sexually abuse; instead use “abusar sexualmente” or “violar” (to rape)
moroso (fc)
= default, as on a loan
DOES NOT MEAN in bad humor instead use “malhumorado”