Cognados 4 Flashcards
desgracia (fc)
= disaster, tragedy, misfortune
DOES NOT MEAN disgrace in sense of shame; instead use “vergüenza”
deshonesto (fc)
DOES NOT MEAN dishonest in sense of not being honest; instead use “no es honorado”
= immodest, lewd, indecent
disgusto (fc)
= displeasure, argument, difficulty
DOES NOT MEAN disgust in sense of repugnant; instead use “dar asco” or “asqueroso”
dormitorio (pfc)
= dormitory of an institution
but also means “bedroom” in a home
editor (fc)
DOES NOT MEAN “editor” of a newspaper; instead us “redactor”
for a book editor, use “comilador”
a “casa editorial” is a publishing house
educado (pfc)
= well-mannered
generally does not mean has a good education; instead use “tiene una buena formación”
elemental (pfc)
DOES NOT MEAN elementary; instead use “rudimentario”
= dealing w/ the elements
entretener (pfc)
= to occupy one’s attention or distract
DOES NOT MEAN entertain in the sense of amusement; instead is “divertir”
estampa (fc)
DOES NOT MEAN stamp; instead use “sello” or “estampilla”
= picture, especially a religious one
éxito (fc)
= success
DOES NOT MEAN exit in sense of way out; instead use “salida”
fábrica (fc)
DOES NOT MEAN cloth fabric; instead use “tela”
= factory or plant
facultad (pfc)
= school in a university
also can mean a physical or mental facility
DOES NOT MEAN faculty of a university; instead use “profesorado”
fastidioso (fc)
DOES NOT MEAN fastidious; instead use “meticuloso”
= boring or irritating
firma (fc)
= signature
DOES NOT MEAN firm in the sense of company; instead use: empresa, compañia, despacho, bufete
dirigir la palabra
to address, talk to
día hábil
don de gentes
charisma; a way with people
donde hubo fuego hay cenizas
where there’s smoke, there’s fir
echar a perder
to go to waste; to spoil
echar de menos
to miss, feel the absence of
echar flores
to flatter
el que mucho abarca poco aprieta
don’t bite off more than you can chew
el tiempo es oro
time is money
en boca cerrada no entran moscas
silence is golden
en breve plazo
in a short time
en efectivo
in cash
en fin
in short, oh well
en hora buena
luckily, safely
en punto
on the dot
en un abrir y cerrar de ojos
in the blink of an eye