Cognados 1 Flashcards
actual (fc)
DOES NOT MEAN actual or real
= current, present
adicto (pc)
= addicted to a vice
= partisan or follower
admitir (pfc)
= to admit that something is true
DOES NOT MEAN permit entrance to a show; instead use “dar estrada”
abandonar (pfc)
DOES NOT MEAN to give something up completely
=to leave temporarily
= formal written minutes for a meeting
advertencia (fc)
DOES NOT MEAN advertisement
= warning
agonía (pfc)
DOES NOT MEAN agony in the sense of suffering intensely (instead use dolor terrible)
= usually means dying
apertura (pfc)
= aperture in the sense of a hole or orifice
also = opening or inauguration of a formal event
apogeo (pfc)
= apogee in astronomy
also - zenith of height of a person’s powers
apreciar (pfc)
= to esteem
rarely = to appreciate
aprobar (pfc)
= give approval
Also = to pass an exam
argumento (pfc)
= legal or intellectual argument
DOES NOT MEAN disagreement; instead use “una disputa”
arsenal (FC)
= shipyard
DOES NOT MEAN munitions factory (instead use “fabrication de arias y municiones”)
asistir (pfc)
= to help or aid (rarely); better to use ayudar
usually = to attend
atender (pfc)
= to take care of
DOES NOT MEAN to be present at; instead use “asistir”
audiencia (pfc)
= hearing or meeting with n important person
DOES NOT MEAN audience in the sense of the public attending a function; instead use “public” or “auditorio”
avisar (fc)
DOES NOT MEAN advise; instead use “asesorar” or “aconsejar”
= warn or let someone know
a caballo regalado no se le mira el diente
Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth
a duras penas
with great difficulty
a escondidas
without the knowledge of; secretly; under the table
a grandes rasgos
briefly, in outline
a lo largo de
bordering; along the length of
a más tardar
at the latest
a prueba de
proof against…
a quemarropa
point blank
a quien corresponda
to whom it may concern
a quien madruga, Dios le ayuda
the early bird gets the worm
a través de
through, across
a última hora
at the last moment; in the nick of time
acabar de
to have just
acusar recibo
to acknowledge receipt
al fin y al cabo
when all is said and done
al pan, pan y al vino, vino
call a spade a spade
al pie de la letra
to the letter, thoroughly
algo por el estilo
something like that
andar como loco
run around wildly
antes doblar que quebrar
if you can’t lick them, join them