Cognados 5 Flashcards
físico (pfc)
= physicist
≠ physician; instead use “médico”
forma (pfc)
= form in the sense of shape
≠ form in sense of a form to be filled out; instead use “formulario” or “planilla”
gabinete (pfc)
= cabinet only for a body of ministers or advisors
≠ cabinet as a piece of furniture; instead use “vitrina”
gentilmente (fc)
≠ gently; instead use “suavamente” or “cuidadosamente”
= charmingly, kindly
gracia (pfc)
= grace, but also means “joke” or “funny”
grosería (fc)
≠ grocery store
= coatíes, boorish or crude
honesto (fc)
≠ honest; instead use “honrado”
= decent, decorous, modest
humano (pfc)
= human in sense of human being
also = human in sense of compassionate
ignorar (fc)
= to be unaware
≠ to deliberately not pay attention to; instead use “no presto atención” or “no hater caso”
ilustrado (pfc)
= to have illustrations in the sense of pictures
also = learned or enlightened
imponerse (pfc)
= to assert oneself; to be authoritative
≠ to bother or cause a problem; instead use “molestar”
impresionante (pfc)
= usually stronger than in the English “impressive”
generally means: shocking, startling, alarming
inédito (pfc)
= unpublished
also = unheard of, novel, innovative, unprecedented
en un descuido
when least expected
encargarse de
to take charge of