Cognados 2 Flashcards
bases (pfc)
= foundations
also = grass roots or rank and file
beneficencia (pfc)
= beneficiary
also = Public Welfare Department (may also be a charity)
bizarro (fc)
DOES NOT MEAN bizarre; instead use “grotesco” or “rare”
= courageous, gallant
bravo (pfc)
= courageous
also = fierce; a person who gets mad easily
calificar de (fc)
DOES NOT MEAN to qualify
= describe, deem
campo (fc)
DOES NOT MEAN camp as in base camp; instead use “campamento”
= countryside, field as in playing field, football field
cancelar (pfc)
= to erase or eliminate
also = pay a bill or settle an account
canciller (fc)
DOES NOT MEAN chancellor as in prime minister of a country
= foreign minister
casualidad (fc)
DOES NOT MEAN causality as in hurt person; instead use “baja” or “victima”
= coincidente, chance
catedrático (fc)
DOES NOT MEAN associated with a cathedral
= tenured professor
colegio (fc)
DOES NOT MEAN college as in university-level institutions; instead use “universidad”
= secondary school
collar (pfc)
= collar of a shirt
also = necklace
compromiso (fc)
DOES NOT MEAN agreement; instead use “acuerdo, convene”
= commitment, date, obligation
buen provecho
bon apetit
cada muerte de obispo
once in a blue moon