COG170 Terms Flashcards
is the hub of reporting and analytics in Epic, consolidating reporting content from all corners of your healthcare system. The one‐stop shop for all reporting content in Epic. This includes dashboards, components, SlicerDicer reports, Workbench reports, and links to third‐party reporting content. A centralized repository within Epic where users can find and manage various analytics content, such as reports, dashboards, and data extracts.
Analytics Catalog
on the UserWeb contains documentation on Epic‐released reporting content. A comprehensive guide that provides detailed information about the data structures, fields, and relationships within a database or analytics system.
Data Handbook
A visual interface that displays key metrics, data, and analytics in a consolidated and interactive format, allowing users to monitor and analyze performance at a glance.
the name of Epic’s dashboard application, which falls under the Cogito umbrella. Reports, metrics, graphs, and links to useful activities can all be placed on a dashboard.
An individual element or part of a larger system or interface, such as a widget or module within a dashboard. Components can be organized into regions.
the primary interface for editing dashboards. Both users and administrators can enter the Designer UI. For existing dashboards, the Designer UI is accessed by clicking the View Manager, then editing either the Original View or a personalized view. The user interface used by administrators or developers to design and configure dashboards, reports, and other analytics content.
Designer UI
When administrators create a dashboard, it is considered a source dashboard and appears in Hyperspace as the Original View. Only administrators can edit the Original View of a source dashboard. The default or initial view of a dashboard or report before any customizations or modifications are made by the user.
Original View
also called Original View. The original dashboard from which data or components are derived or copied to create other dashboards or views.
Source Dashboard
A customized version of a dashboard tailored to meet the specific needs and preferences of an individual user. When users modify a dashboard, their changes are saved on a user‐specific view of the dashboard. Personalization to dashboard views includes the following:
* Add, remove, and rearrange components
* Set defaults for dashboard parameters
* Create and add a SlicerDicer component
* Personalize components
o Add, edit, rearrange, and delete links from link components
o Change the display name or display color of a component
o Add a badge to a table or graph component
o Change the thresholds on a table or graph component
Personalized View
a tool or feature within software applications that allows users to manage and organize different views or perspectives of data or content.
View Manager
When a user opens a view and the source dashboard has changed since the last time they opened it, the system performs reconciliation to update the view. The process of ensuring that data from different sources or systems is consistent, accurate, and aligned.
metadata includes the description, tags, content owner, reviewers, distribution methods, and more. A user with appropriate security can edit the metadata of Catalog content from within the Catalog. A tool used to manage and edit metadata, which includes information about the data, such as its source, structure, and relationship
Metadata Editor
provide a discrete search option for reporting content. Tags can be added to all content types in the Catalog. Labels or keywords assigned to reports to categorize and organize them for easier retrieval and management
Report Tags
a conceptual way to group data. For example, you could group your data by department, and department would be a summary level. The level of detail or aggregation at which data is summarized and presented in a report or dashboard.
Summary Level
a specific entity in a summary level. For example, you might be interested in only the data from one obstetrics department, and that department would be the summary target
Summary Target
refers to the collection of records that represent your organization’s physical and financial arrangements. Facility structure records define places where patient care happens and levels at which revenue is tracked. While every healthcare organization has a unique set of clinics, hospitals, and departments, the way your organization is structured generally follows a set hierarchy.
Facility Structure
represents your entire organization. Some settings, such as diagnosis and procedure codes, are set at the facility level. Your organization has only one facility record
Facility Record
represent distinct operational and financial divisions within your organization, each with its own set of billing tools and separate AR (accounts receivable). The number of service areas varies based on financial considerations and other factors
Service Area
sometimes called revenue locations, are subdivisions within a service area and typically represent physical locations where your organization provides patient care
places where patient care takes place, such as a family medicine department, and/or administrative services are performed, such as a business office. Each department is associated with one location, and through that location with one service area.
Everyone who logs in to Epic
The steps that a user takes in Epic. For example, a clinician might open their schedule, review a patient’s medical history, open the patient’s chart, place an order, and sign a note. Different users have different workflows.
is Epic’s front‐user interface, accessed on the Hyperdrive client. Users log in to Hyperspace to complete their workflows and do their jobs. Administrators also log in to Hyperspace to test and troubleshoot build.
When you launch the Hyperspace icon in training, you’re launching a specialized web browse
Users navigate to different activities in Hyperspace when completing their workflows. A scheduler can use the Appts activity to create a new appointment, a clinician can review messages from the In Basket activity, and a report writer can modify report settings from the Analytics Catalog activity
contains all the activities a user has access to
Epic Menu
(under the Epic button) or the Assistant Bar (at the top of Hyperspace) are the most efficient ways to launch a Hyperspace activity.
Epic Search
Epic’s database management system, often referred to as “the database.”
in Epic can configure parts of the Epic interface for users.
parts of the Epic software. Examples of Epic applications include EpicCare Ambulatory for outpatient workflows, Stork for obstetric workflows, and Cogito Ergo Sum, or Cogito, for analytics tools and content
is another term for an administrator.
refers to the parts of Epic that configure the interface and the user experience, such as dashboards or order sets.
Much of the build in Epic is saved in discrete records in Chronicles. Each record has an ID and build records can be edited by administrators
appropriate permissions
a way to keep track of new and modified build in Epic environments, so users and administrators have a smoother experience using Epic
Change Management
is a way to track build records. Typically, a spreadsheet that lists new records built in the system. This can be used to manage changes between versions, environments, or by specific teams.
Build Tracker
builds, validates, and distributes reports from three different databases, is responsible for the flow of data between those databases, and, depending on the organization, may be involved in building extracts, pulling data into Caboodle from other data sources, or building dashboards in third‐ party systems which rely on Epic data, or any number of other data‐related tasks. This broad range of responsibilities is met by a broad range of people
Cogito Analytics Teams
sometimes oversee operation of more than one database
Database Administrator
oversees the daily functioning and troubleshooting of Chronicles, as well as updates to the system. The Chronicles Administrator is most often referred to as the ODBA (Operational Database Administrator), or the Cache DBA. The ODBA is not part of the Cogito team, but they may assist in some troubleshooting related to Cogito functionality. Reasons to contact the Chronicles Administrator include
a. Workbench reports are displaying queuing errors
b. Workbench reports are running slowly or not running
Chronicles Administrator
oversees and troubleshoots nightly and ad‐hoc Clarity ETL executions that move data from Chronicles to Clarity. Because of this, they are sometimes called the Clarity ETL Administrator. They might also be called the ETL Administrator (without mention of Clarity), particularly if they oversee both Clarity and Caboodle ETL. The Clarity Administrator is also responsible for managing Epic‐released updates to Clarity and adding indexes to the Clarity database when appropriate. Reasons to contact the Clarity Administrator include:
a. Requesting an ad hoc ETL into a test Clarity database to validate a report with test data
b. A Clarity report looking at the last year’s data isn’t displaying anything for the most recent two months
c. Corrupted or incorrect data has made its way into Clarity reports that used to work perfectly
Clarity Administrator
oversees and troubleshoots nightly and ad‐hoc Caboodle ETL executions that move data from Clarity to Caboodle. Because of this, they are sometimes called the Caboodle ETL Administrator. They might also be called the ETL Administrator (without mention of Caboodle), particularly if they oversee both Clarity and Caboodle ETL. The Caboodle Administrator is also responsible for managing Epic‐released updates to Caboodle and any custom Caboodle tables or columns an organization decides to create. Reasons to contact the Caboodle Administrator include:
a. Requesting an ad hoc ETL into a test Caboodle database to validate a report with test data
b. SlicerDicer sessions are missing data for a conspicuous date range
c. Requesting to increase the file size limit for Data Gateway import files
Caboodle Administrator
is responsible for the success of the Cogito team. They have a high‐level understanding of each of the databases and tools used by their organization and have a detailed knowledge of the processes and policies that govern the reporting and analytics goals of the organization. Reasons to contact the Cogito Project Manager include:
a. Appropriately estimating time commitments for reporting projects
b. Ensuring data governance on complex reporting projects
c. Triaging or prioritizing reporting projects
Cogito Project Manager
BIDs) have some of the broadest responsibilities on the Cogito Team. They use all of Cogito’s tools to retrieve and analyze data from all of Epic’s databases. They get trained on Chronicles, Clarity, and Caboodle data structures and tools. In Hyperspace, they work with SlicerDicer, Radar, and Reporting Workbench, but may also assist application analysts who are working with registries or extracts and need more understanding of the underlying Chronicles data. Reasons to contact a BID may include:
a. Need for a new workbench report
b. Can’t find specific report or dashboard and need someone to grant appropriate access
c. Troubleshooting existing reports, dashboards, or SlicerDicer sessions
d. Want to build or validate SQL‐based Workbench report
Business Intelligence Developer
may have different responsibilities depending on which application they specialize in. They interact most often with the Cogito team as subject matter experts ﴾SMEs﴿ who can help a report writer find the right data or understand a workflow used to populate the data for a report. Reasons to contact an Application Analysts may include:
a. Needing someone to validate the data on a dashboard or report and make sure it is realistic and appropriate for that application
b. Finding a specific data point populated by an end user workflow
Application Analyst
build the packages to bring data into Caboodle from Clarity and other non‐Epic data sources. They know how and why all data comes into Caboodle. They may also be Caboodle BIDs, building SQL queries to retrieve data from Caboodle. Since Caboodle is the data source for SlicerDicer, these developers also are involved in building custom SlicerDicer Filter or even entire data models. Reasons to contact a Caboodle Developer may include:
a. Need to add custom SlicerDicer Filter to an existing SlicerDicer Data Model
b. Scoping out the possibility of building a SlicerDicer Data Model on non‐Epic data
Caboodle Developer
may be one person’s full‐time job, or it may be a task that several BIDs share at an organization. They are responsible for building and maintaining Workbench templates, as well as overseeing distribution of dashboards for the Cogito team. This user needs to have a deep understanding of the Chronicles data structure that drives Workbench queries. Reasons to contact a Cogito Tools Administrator include:
a. The need for a brand‐new template that doesn’t yet exist
b. Troubleshooting a custom template’s parameters
c. A SQL report has been built and needs to be integrated into Hyperspace so users can build reports from it
Cogito Tools Administator
is responsible for customizing and delivering reporting training to users at each organization. This may be one person’s full‐time role, or a Principal Trainer may be responsible for several applications and include Cogito in their list of responsibilities. Reasons to contact a Cogito Principal Trainer may include:
a. Planning for which users should receive specialized SlicerDicer training after go‐live
b. Some users have been incorrectly building Workbench reports and need re‐training
c. Generating and distributing tip sheets or other training tools for ongoing optimization projects
Cogito Principal trainer
is a curated data set with a list of available filters, or data points, to analyze the data set. Epic releases many data models and filters and organizations can create custom data models and filter records as well.
SlicerDicer Data Model
filter records, represent data points. The SlicerDicer interface allows users to apply a filter in different ways, such as for grouping, aggregating, or narrowing down the results.
SlicerDicer Filter
When a user builds a report in a data model and saves it, that creates a session. SlicerDicer session build is defined by the cards that appear on the right: Population, Slices, Measures, Dates, and Visual Options. Not all cards need to be used when creating a session. Which cards are used will depend on the needs of the report.
determines the entities included in your results. Will start with a base and are refined using criteria.
Different data models have different bases to choose from. This narrows down the population to data that is most relevant to the user. For example, the My Patients in the Patients data model returns only the patients for whom the logged in clinician has provided care. Other populations include all records within a specific department, location, or service area. Provide an important security layer for SlicerDicer data models.
selected from the Population card. They narrow down the results shown. Users can search by keyword or browse to find available criteria
divide the population into groups, such as diagnoses, statuses, classes, modes, and other characteristics
perform an aggregation function on the data. This can be thought of as the number at the top of the bar in a vertical bar graph. SlicerDicer initially returns a count, but users can add or modify
the only place users get to see identified health information in SlicerDicer. As such, there are security points that limit a user’s access to this feature.
Detail Table
opens in the Radar Admin workspace. It consists of several forms on the left. The precise forms and options available will vary based on the type of component being built. The Basic Information and Distribution forms are the same for all component types, while the Data Source and Output Format forms may vary
Component Editor
Filters records return only the most recent value stored
Last Stored
Filters that use the date range. In the Patients data model, the date range will be “All time” until at least one overtime filter is applied.
users could find all patients who were diagnosed with a broken arm and had an active prescription for Tramadol at any point during the diagnosis
Overlapping Filters
users could find all patients with a prescription for Tramadol followed by a home health episode or find all physical therapy visits followed by a home visit. A data model linking path to the Patients data model is necessary for this feature.
Sequential Criteria
you could find all patients who were under 18 years of age when they received a diagnosis of depression.
age at the time of event