Cocaine and amphetamine Flashcards
Some Notable Dates in History
* Origin: chinese herb: Ma Huang
* 1887: active ingredient in herb isolated: ephedrine
* 1927: Alles: synthetic: amphetamine
* 1932: smith cline and french marketed alles drug under: Benzedrine (nasal spray and inhalant to treat asthma)
Therapeutic Uses
- Petit-mal epilepsy
-a person losses conciousness for a small period of time (staring blankly) - narcolepsy
- triggered by stress to induce REM sleeping
- may be overprescribing it but effective for attention
- Weight problems
- suppresses apatite (but tolerance will occur) so not effective at treating this in the long term
Non-Therapeutic Uses
- euphoriant (elevates mood)
- Performance enhancer –> increase Resp/HR , not improve reaction time but if they are fatiguing it will (diinish fatgue)
- General stimulant
- help stay awake for a long period of time
Some Notable Dates in History
- 13c: Used by the Incas (to be stronger)
- 16c: Spanish bring coca leaves to Europe
- was ignored
- 1850: Active ingredient in leaves chemically isolated
- 1859: German Chemist discovered anesthetic
properties –> numbing effect
Some Notable Dates in History
- 1863: Corsican chemist creates “Vin Mariana”,
popular alcohol and coca combination –> combo of coco leaves and alcohol (effect of alcohol was prolonged) –> increased alertness
Some Notable Dates in History
- 1863: Corsican chemist creates “Vin Mariana”,
popular alcohol and coca combination - 1884: Freud samples cocaine, becomes advocate for its widespread use (launched a major period of cocaine use) –> said it can treat pain, alcohol addiction, can be a local anaesthetic (which is true)
–> found some wound benefit and some would not
–> he had a friend who was addicted –> he felt bad
–> psychosexual stages were from his coaine use - 1885: American pharmacist removes alcohol, adds
soda water and syrup from African Kola Nut, and
creates “Coca Cola”, touted as a “brain tonic” - being sold in drug stores lol
- it did contain cocaine
Some Notable Dates in History
- 1903: Responding to rising public concern re:
unregulated use of cocaine, Coca-Cola company
begins to use de-cocainized coca leaves - 1906/1914: Cocaine banned in patent medications in Canada and US respectively
–> banned cocaine in patent medicines (became a Schedule 1 drug from then on) - 1920s to 1960s: use of cocaine gradually declined;
decline associated with intro of amphetamines
–> cocaine was regulated when ampetamines wasn’t
Some Notable Dates in History
- 1970s: resurgence of cocaine’s popularity/ use as
well as incidence rates of abuse - Middle 1980s: Crack introduced –> saw huge resurgence after that
- 1990s onward: high use/abuse of drug still a concern, but numbers using have declined from 70s and 80s; relaxed attitude regarding use among users
- Two isomers (same formula but different arrangement of the atoms): L and d amphetamine
L: form that was marketed as benzedrine
D: was more potent –> is the one bieng marketed today (dexadrine**) - Synthetic (modification of D isomer) –> adding of methanol molecule : Methedrine (methanphetamine) –> more potnet than D isomer*
- Structurally related compounds
– methyphenidate (ritalin) drug for ADHD
– Phenmetrazine –> apetite suppresion drug
– Methcathinone –> combo of amphetamine and substance called khat
Coca Paste
– Created by chemically treating and mashing leaves of coca shrub leaves (leaves contain about .5-2% cocaine)
- leaves are dried (sun or heating light) –> mixed with water and sulfuric acid –> then mashed –> diesel fuel and bicarbonate added –> more mashing –> liquid is drained off –> paste (60% pure cocaine)
not water soluble (cant be injected or snorted)*****
Forms (2)
(2) Cocaine Hydrochloride (Salt) (what we think about with cocaine)*****
– Created by treating coca paste with
hydrochloric acid to produce a crystalline powder
- more water, gasoline, acid, potassium, ammonia, –> creates reddish brown liquid –> drained–> dried –> in tank of HCl–> sediment at bottom is taken
- is water soluble** injected and snorted
- can’t be smoked (heating breaks it down)
(3) Freebase (base element of cocaine is removed) or Crack
Created by mixing cocaine HCl in an alkaline
solution (e.g., baking soda and water), then
boiling off water
- has a very low melting point (can be heated without cocoaine breaking down)
- very pure crack cocaine (99% cocaine)
- this is safe way to make crack
cocaine HCl with flammable substance –> can get things exploding
Administration & Absorption
(1) Orally –> tablet or capsule form swallowed
–> crush up a tablet in a paper and swallow it (parachuting)
–> onset of action is 10-30mins
–> lasts from 4-12 hours
(2) Intranasally –. snorted
–> OofA 10-15 mins
–> same duration of action as above
(3) Intravenous Injection (powder mixed with liquid)
–> 30s OofA
–> duration of action = same
(4) Inhalation –> typically meth (heat up on a spoon)
–> inhale the fumes
–> O of A less than 30s
–> D of A is same
Administration & Absorption
(1) Orally
(2) Intra-nasally –> dollar bill, nail
Problems with method:
-Absorption limited due to vasoconstriction (pores get smaller and interfere with absorption)
-Chronic users have stuffy or runny noses, nasal lesions, frequent nose bleeds
Administration & Absorption (3,4,5,6)
(3) Intravenously injected
- 16 mg
-peak effects in 3-4mins
-high lasts for about 20-30 mins
(4) Smoked
- Crystalline “rocks” i.e., crack heated in pipes and
vapours inhaled
- absorption through lungs and nasal cavity as well***
- affects in 1-2 mins
-high lasts for 5-10 mins
(5) liquid cocaine into eyes –> eye drops
(6) liquid cocaine in GI tract –> died from carrying cocain across border
Metabolization and Elimination
Excretion affected by urine acidity
– Acidic: quicker
– Basic: slower
– Half-life ranges:
7-14 hrs (acidic urine) vs. 16-34 hrs. (basic urine)
- 11 -14 hours (l amphetamine)
- 9-11 hours (d-amphetamine –> more commonly used)
- 9-13 hours (methanphetamine)
Excreted in urine, sweat, saliva (majority of excretion in urine)
- significant amount eliminated in the urine unchanged ( not metabolized) 30-40% amph
30-50% methamphetamine (10% will be amphetamine)
- 7 metabolites in urine with meth –> but not psychoactive (affecting mental function at all)
- Have behaviourally active metabolites: detectable for 2-3 days
Metabolization and Elimination
plasma 1/2 life
- Plasma half-life of 30 min, but more slowly
removed from brain
Urine can test positive for cocaine upto 12 hrs:
a metabolite can be dectected in urine upto
48 hrs
Urine can test positive for intravenous cocaine upto 12 hrs: a metabolite can be dectected in urine upto 10 days with chronic IV use
- most of it biotransformed not staying the same as meth
- shirter hlf life as welll –> gets eliminated quicker
1/2 life
oral: 1 hour
intranasal: 30-5 hours
15min-3.5 hours: intravenous
15 -3.5 hours: smoked
Metabolically interacts with alcohol:
metabolite cocaethylene is pharmacologically
active as cocaine is by itself in blocking dopamine reuptake
- euphoria can last longer with the combo