Coasts - Prediction and prevention of effects of coastal flooding Flashcards


Explain how the effects of coastal flooding are reduced.


The Met Office issues warnings on the weather forecast and their website to warn people of any likely flooding so this gives people advance warning of any floods so that they can take preventative measures such as placing sandbags outside their home to limit the damage, moving things upstairs or preparing important things such as money and passports should they need to evacuate.

The Environment Agency also monitors sea levels 24/7 and issues detailed information on them. It also issues flood warnings which advise people how to react. They have a four tier warning system in place which goes from All Clear to Severe Flood Warning and associated this they have different pieces of advice (prepare to act on flood plan, immediate action needed, danger to life, move all family pets and valuables upstairs).

The work of local authority building control can also assist with limiting the effects of coastal flooding. They prevent buildings from ever being constructed in high risk areas and they encourage homeowners to use water resistant materials within their property such as using tiles instead of wooden floor coverings which would rot and advising people to place electric sockets higher up the wall.

DEFRA also decides which parts of the coast should be protected with soft and hard engineering techniques and prioritise important areas. The Environment Agency then acts upon this and builds and maintains the defences.

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