Coasts Landforms Flashcards
Formation of caves, arches stacks and stumps
-hydraulic action and abrasion form cracks in the headland to creat small caves
-the rock above may collapse
-marine erosion widens the fault
-falls through marine erosion and sub aerial processes through to other side creating arch
-continues to widen until it can’t support itself and falls through mass movement
-leaves a stack
-marine erosion attacking base will become stump
Formation of wave cut notch to a platform
-waves erode cliff through hydraulic action at the high tide line
-this creates a wave cut notch
-notch becomes deeper as subaerial weathering weakens top cliff
-become unstable and falls under its own weight through mass movement
-leaves behind a wave cut platform
Depositional landforms
Barrier beach
Offshore bar
Formation of beach
Accretion of sediment during constructive waves in summer months
Dependent on angle of prevailing wind in relation to the land
Swash aligned beaches
Wave approaches perpendicular to coast so limits longshore drift
Wave refraction may reduce speed of high energy waves
Drift aligned beaches
Waves approach at an angle so LSD moves sediment far along the beach
May lead to formation of a spit
Formation of spit
When long shore drift causes beach to extend out to sea by a change in direction of the coastline
Can create salt marsh in its sheltered environment
Length depends on amount of rivers
Change in wind direction will curve the spit
Formation of barrier beach
When a beach or spit extends across a bat to join two headlands
Traps water behind makes a lagoon
May form due to rising sea levels after last glacial period
If becomes separated it will become a barrier island
Formation of offshore bars
An offshore region where sand is deposited when waves lose energy to carry sediment to the shore
May form when wave breaks early
Waves may pick this up (input to coastal zone)
May absorb wave energy
Landforms erosion
Caves arches stacks stumps
Headlands and bays
Wave cut notches and platforms
2 types of physical weathering
Freeze thaw
Sly crystallisation
2 types of chemical weathering
2 types of biological weathering
Plant roots
Decaying vegetation
Explain carbonation
Rainwater absorbs CO2 from atmosphere
Creates weak carbonic. Acids
Reacts with calcium carbonate in rocks
Forms calcium bicarbonate
Easily dissolves
Explain oxidation
Minerals exposed to air through cracks in rock
Oxidised and increase in volume
Esters pressure on rock and it crumbles
6 factors mass movement is dependent on
Ground saturation
Cliff angle
Rock type
Rock structure
Define deposition
Deposition occurs when the sediment becomes too heavy for the wave to carry or the wave loses energy
Define erosion
Erosion involved the removal of sediment from a coastline
Types of erosion
Hydraulic action
Wave quarrying
Factors effecting erosion
Subaerial processes
Rock type/lithology
4 process of transportation and deposition
Explain long shore drift
Waves hit the beach at an angle determined by direction of prevailing wind
Pushes sediment up beach (swash)
Gravity waves carry sediment back down the beach (backwash)
(Important in salt and tidal marshes)
Clay particles clump together due to chemical attraction and sink due to their high density
What promotors steep cliff development
Absence of a beach
Long fetch
High wave energy
Sedimentary rocks vertical strata
What promotes gentle cliffs
Low energy waves
Short fetch
Water rock
Inputs of sand dunes
Supply of sand
Onshore winds
Large tidal range
sand dune succession
Sand blown by onshore winds and trapped behind obstacle e.g driftwood
Embryo dunes are colonised by pioneer species
Long roots of marram grass help bind the ground together
Foredunes occur and become fixed forming an organic layer
Development of mudflats
Develop in sheltered shorelines and low energy coasts
Composed of silt and clay at the bottom of estuaries submerged by high tide
Saltwater flows and river freshwater flows meet
Causes flocculations where the individual particles aggregate together
Development of salt marshes from mudflats
Low lying vegetation like eelgrass begins to grow in mudflats
Slows currents and leads to more deposition
Pioneers begin to colonise known as halophytes - tolerant to salty conditions
E.g glasswort and spartina
Prisoners develop amc become closer, slow down currents and trap sediments