CNS Tumors Flashcards
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وبه نستعين
Mention supratentorial Tunomors
Mention infratentorial tumors
Pilocytic astrocytoma
Spinal CNS tuomrs ?
Glioma(Ependymoma + astrocytoma )
The approach of detection of CNS tumors is ? why ?
Combined Histo-Moleuclar
for more precise diagnosis in ?
diffuse glimoa and CNS embryonal tumors
Gliomas Including ?
Astrocytoma is grade
2 tumor
3 astrocytoma
4 Glioblastoma
Oligodendeoglioma is grade
3 anaplastic oligodendroglioma
Ependymoma is grade ?
Grade 1
grade 2
grade 3 anaplatic epednymoma
Diffuse glioma and IDH
Diffuse glioma results fom mutaton in Isocitrate dehydorgenase gene casuing 2 Isozymes IDH1 & 2 Subdividing diffisue glioma
What is imp tk know that IDH is mutated ?
beacuse with mutated IDH there is better prognosis
Oligodendroglioma has ?
Also IDH Mutation as diffuse glioma
+ 1p 19 q codeletion
IDH mutation appears in ?
Diffues glioma
Account for 80 % of adult glionma ?
Diffuse astrocytoma
40-60 years
cerebral hemispeheres
c/p Of Diffuse astrocytoma
Focal Neurological Defecits
Diffuse astorcytoma grades ?
3: Anaplastic astrocytoma
4: Glioblastoma
Describe grossly diffuse astrocytoma
Gryiesh white
No discerte borders
Soft gelatinous
Spreading infiltraing further than the borders so impossible to excision
Descibe microscopic of the Diffuse astrocytoma
-Mild to moderate hypercellularity
-Decreased pelomorphism
-occasional mitotic activity
Glial fibrillary acid protein + astrocytic cells
Neoplastic astroyctic nuceli in Fibirally background
Diffsue astroyctoma
asctorycit cells are + to IHC?
Glial fibirally acid protein
Mean survival of diffuse astrocytoma
5 years
static then progess to anaplatic astrocytoma pleommorprhism and cellularit and mitotsis aincreased
then glioblastoma secondary!
Describe microscopic Anaplastic astrocytoma
Hypercelullarity !
Hyperchromatic pleomprphic nuclei
Marked mitosis !
Commonest primary intracranial neoplasm in adults
Glioblastom grade 4 astrocytoma
most maliganat astrocytoma
when appear it is only a question of monthes to death
describe glioblastoma grossly
Firm whitsh area
Soft yellowish area of Necrosis
Reddish area of Necrosis
Cystic change
So called Multiform
Glioblastoma micrsopc vere characterisic ?
Presnece of Necrosis
Describe microscopic Glioblastom
Necrosis ! surrounded by ? Pseudopalasidaing Anaplastic cells
Mitosis marked
Vasuclar proliferation with Glomeruloid vessles ( Proliferated capillary endotehlial cells )
Compare between 3 grade of astrocytoma
Grade 1 :
diffuse astrocytoma:- Nuclara atypia
Grade 2: Anaplatsic astroyctoma
Nuclear atypia + Mitotic activity
Grade 3: Glioblastoma :
Nuclear atypia + mitotic activit
cc: Necrosis + Vascular proliferation
slow grwong glioma
(…to….) of gliomas
adults …to …. years
With Symptoms of ……..
Gentic analysis : /////+.///////
pRGnosis ?
5-15 %
Neurlogical symptoms as seizures
cerebral hemispheres
IDH Mutant + 1p/19q codeletion
with better prognosis than astrocytoma
describe oligodendroglioma Grossly?
Soft gelatinous
Infiltarting brain and naerby tissue
With Hge + cYSTIC degenration + mCIRO gelatning calcifications
Describe oligodendrogliona micro
Uniform fried egg appearcnce of analpastic cells
Anastomosing capillary network
Astroyctic and oligodendro glial tumors have in common ?
Infiltrative paatren
arise from ,,,,, cells lining ,,,, and ,,,,,,,
CSF dissemination common
5-10% of gliomas
Ependymal cells
Ventricles + spinal cord
4th ventricle child
Spinal cord in adults
5-10 % of all gliomas
Describe ependymoma grossly
Well cirumscribed
Soft spngy
Hge+ Necrosis + calcification
oriign 4 ventricle or cental canal
Describe ependymoma micro
True rossetes when halo of clusters of cells surrounding central empty lumen
Pseudorosetters perivascular when a halo of clusters of cells surrounding a blood vessles
Ependmoma has 2 grades
Grade 2 less cellularity less mitosis rarly invasive
Grade 3
Increasd density and mitosis
and nectois with less evidenet ependymal differentiation
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