CNs- CNS Origin/Nuclei/Axons/Cells of Origin Flashcards
What two cranial nerves arise from the cerebrum?
CN I- olfactory (smell)
CN II- optic (vision)
What two cranial nerves arise from the midbrain?
CN III- oculomotor
CN IV- trochlear
What 4 cranial nerves arise from the pons?
CN V - trigeminal
CN VI - abducens
CN VII - facial
CN VIII -vestibulocochlear (hearing, equilibrium)
What 3 cranial nerves arise from the medulla ?
CN IX - glossopharyngeal
CN X - vagus
CN XII - hypoglossal
What is the only cranial nerve that arises from the spinal cord?
CN XI - spinal accessory nerve
What are the three structures that make up the brainstem?
midbrain, pons, medulla
What 4 cranial nerves provide parasympathetic innervation?
CN III - oculomotor
CN VII- facial
CN IX- glossopharyngeal
CN X- vagus
What 3 cranial nerves only provide sensory innervation?
I- olfactory
VIII- vestibulocochlear
What 3 cranial nerves provide sensory, motor, and parasympathetic innervation?
CN VII - facial
CN IX- glossopharyngeal
CN X- vagus
Axon functions of CN I - Olfactory
sensory (smell)
Axon functions of CN II, optic
sensory (vision)
Axon functions of CN III, oculomotor
motor, preganglionic parasympathetic
Axon functions of CN IV- trochlear
Axon functions of CN V- trigeminal
sensory, branchial motor (mandibular division)
Axon functions - CN VI, abducens
Axon functions - CN VII, facial
sensory, taste, branchial motor, preganglionic parasympathetic
Axon functions- CN VIII- vestibulocochlear
sensory (hearing, equilibrium)
Axon functions - CN IX- glossopharyngeal
somatic sensory, visceral sensory, preganglionic parasympathetic, taste, branchial motor
Axon functions - CN X- vagus nerve
somatic sensory, visceral sensory, preganglionic parasympathetic, taste, branchial motor
Axon functions- XI - accessory nerve
motor (spinal accessory nucleus of C1-5)
Axon functions of hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
Cells of origin of the olfactory nerve CN I
nasal mucosa
Cells of origin of CN II - Optic nerve
ganglion cells retina
Cells of origin- CN III- oculomotor
oculomotor nucleus (motor origin)
accessory oculomotor nucleus (preganglionic parasympathetic origin)
Cells of origin- trochlear - CN IV
trochlear nucleus (posterior, contralateral)
cells of origin - trigeminal, ophthalmic, CN V1
trigeminal ganglion (superior portion)
cells of origin- trigeminal, maxillary- CN V2
Trigeminal ganglion (middle portion)
CN V3- Trigeminal, mandibular n. - cells of origin
sensory- trigeminal ganglion
branchial motor- trigeminal motor nucleus in the pons
CN VI- abducens- cells of origin
abducens nucleus located in the pons
What are the 3 different cells of origin for the branchial motor, parasympathetic, taste, and sensory axons of the facial nerve?
branchial motor- facial motor nucleus in the pons
preganglionic parasympathetic origin- superior salivatory nucleus
geniculate ganglion - for sensory and taste axons (have axons that go back to the pons but the cell bodies are located in the geniculate ganglion)
CN IX- glossopharyngeal - cells of origin
branchial motor
-nucleus ambiguuus in the medulla
preganglionic parasympathetic
-inferior salivatory nucleus in medulla (different than superior salivatory nucleus in the pons (facial nerve))
sensory- touch/proprioception
- inferior ganglion
sensory- visceral
-superior ganglion
-inferior ganglion
CN X- vagus n. - cells of origin
branchial motor
–nucleus ambiguus in the medulla
sensory- touch/prop
–inferior ganglion
–superior ganglion
preganglionic parasympathetic-
–dorsal motor nucleus in the medulla
–inferior ganglion
What two cranial nerves have their branchial motor axons arising from the nucleus ambiguus in the medulla?
CN IX - glossopharyngeal n.
CN X - vagus n.
CN XI- spinal accessory nerve- cells of origin
CNS level origin- spinal cord C1-C5
CELLS OF ORIGIN- ventral horn (motor) - C1-5
CN XII- hypoglossal n.- cells of origin
hypoglossal nucleus in the medulla