prim internal com system
nervous system
collect,process,respond to info
cord working of different organs and cells to body
spinal cord and brain
sc= ext connected to brain via brain stem respon for reflex actions
b= source of conscious control and decision making
2 h connected by corpus callousum, contralateral control
transmits messages to and from CNS
schwann cell
node of ranvier
axon terminal
receives neruo from neighbouring cells
carries EI away from cell body
form mylein sheath
gaps in mylein sheath
com to next neuron in the chain across a synapse
carries messages from s recepotrs along nerves in pns to cns
long dend, short axon
connect to other neurones
short dend and axon
cns to pns to effectors eg muscles and glands
short dendrites, long axons
hot pan reflex
sens receptors detect heat from pan
signal to sensory n to CNS
cns to relay where messages travels spinal cord
motor travels away from cns to effector
tells person to release hold
action potential
ei move down axon to stimulate release of neuro to another neuro
-70mv so inside neg than out= polarised
so stimulus causes depolarise< more positive =reached threshold
synaptic transmission
ap arrives at end of axon terminal at pre synaptic
vesicles w neuro move towards memb
neuro released in synaptic gap
diffuse across synaptic cleft to post and bind to specific receptors
reabs by pre via reuptake and broken down
reabsorbed by uptake pump to use neuro again
enz break neuro within synaptic cleft
excitatory neuro
after bonding to receptors= more depolarise = threshold potential> inc likelihood of ap firing
inhibitory neuro
post syn= hyperpolarised= move n further away fro thresehold > red likelihood of ap firing
net effect is excitatory= post sn likely to fire
inhibitory= post sn less likely to fire