CN/PNS Flashcards
Layers of meninges
Dura mater
Arachnoid matter
Pia mater
Dura mater
Strong fibrous tissue and serves as the outer layer of meninges
Arachnoid matter
Delicate spider web like layer between
Pia mater
Is delicate inner most layer of meninges
It is transparent and adhere to the brain tissue containing blood vessels
What is meningitis
Inflammation of meninges
Caused by bacteria or virus
Viral meningitis
Self limiting with typically complete recovery
Bacterial meningitis
More serious effects
Spaces that lie between and around meninges
Epidural space
Subdural space
Sub arachnoid space
Epidural space
On the dura
Is immediately outside of the dura matter in the spinal cord Produce
It is a potential space in the cranium
Subdural space
Under the dura
Is between the dura mater and arachnoid mater. It’s a potential space
Subarachnaoid space
Under the arachnoid and outside the Pia mater
This space contains cerebrospinal fluid
How is brain protected
How is spinal cord protected
Cerebrospinal fluid
How is cerebrospinal fluid formed
By ependymal cells of the choroid plexuses
Function of cerebrospinal fluid
Forms a cushion
Helps nourish the brain
Filtrate of blood plasma
three regions of the brain