CM Advanced Ch.7 Flashcards
What permits the operator to couple and uncouple the engine and the transmission?
There are two types of clutch operations systems: what are they?
Mechanical and hydraulic
For more basic information concerning clutches refer to what?
The most common symptoms of clutch malfunctions are dragging, slipping and what else?
What condition results when the clutch disk does not completely disengage from the flywheel or pressure plate when the clutch pedal is depressed?
All automatic transmissions have how many basic systems that enable them to function?
What are used in the hyra-matic 400 transmission as a basic means of multiplying the torque from the engine?
Planetary gears
What results when any two members of the planetary gear train rotate in the same direction at the same speed?
Direct drive
The automatic transmission is coupled to the engine through what?
Torque converter
With the engine operating at full throttle, the transmission in gear, the vehicle standing still, the torque converter is capable of multiplying engine torque by approximately what?
Automatic transmission service can be easily divided into the following three parts: preventive maintenance, troubleshooting, and what else?
Major overhaul
The type of linkages found on and automatic transmission are gear shift selection and what else?
Throttle kickdown
Draining the transmission can be done in how many ways?
Compressed air used for cleaning purposes should not exceed what psi?