Clinical Microscopy Flashcards
Underused tool for the overall evaluation of renal function
Permits a detailed, in-depth assessment of renal status with an easily obtained specimen
A waste product of metabolism formed by the kidney’s basic functional units called
___________ refers to the surgical removal of the kidneys
These are three processes involved in urine formation, namely,
Glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, and tubular secretion
One way of assessing normal kidney function
A first-morning urine sample is preferred for protein analysis because it is more concentrated from overnight retention in the bladder
Early morning urine
Urine collected any time of the day; for routine urinalysis
Random urine
For glucose determination
Fasting/post-prandial urine
specimen collection for clearance test
Timed urine
Method of collection
Clean midstream catch
Must be analyzed within 1 hour of collection if stored at room temperature
If delay is anticipated, refrigerate at 2C-8C for not more than 8 hours
Effects of unpreserved urine
Bacterial multiplication will cause false (+) nitrite test.
The color of urine is attributed to the presence of the three coloring pgments, namely
urochrome, urobilin, and uroerythrin.
Normal adult volume
750-2000 mL/24hr
Optimal volume for accurate ru
10-12 mL aliquot