Clinical Laboratory Procedures Final Exam Flashcards
To preserve cellular morphology samples to be used for histopathology must be sectioned so that the fixative can penetrate the entire tissue within what time period?
24-48 hours
The primary wildlife carriers of rabies in the United States include all but
Which document lists the characteristics of a compound that contains a potentially hazardous chemical, including precautions, instructions for use, and advice for handling the compound safely
Safety data sheet
Which item is used to calibrate the refractometer?
distilled water
What is the total magnification of an object when viewed under the standard of oil immersion lens?
If the hospital where you work employs more than 10 employees, you have the right to view the summary of work-related injuries and illnesses
The most common types of injury to veterinary technicians are
Animal related
Regarding workplace safety, what is a reasonable expectation from the practice leadership
To provide a safe workplace
Formalin (and all fixatives) should be handled with care. Formalin is a contact irritant and a carcinogen. Which of the following precautions is needed when handling formalin?
All of these should be applied
As an employee, you have the right and a responsibility to bring concerns about potential safety hazards to the attention of the employer without fear of reprisal
What is the accepted term for the examination of an animal after death?
During a necropsy, each part of the carcass is first examined
In situ
Which term refers to how close a test value is to the actual patient value?
which chemical is used for gas sterilization of equipment that cannot be autoclaved safely, although it is a suspected carcinogen
Ethylene oxide
Which of the following statements is FALSE relating to necropsy
The tools should be taken from surgical packs
Which procedure involves collecting fluid samples from body cavities
____ describe recommended measures that should be taken to minimize or prevent adverse effects resulting from exposure to the hazardous chemical or improper storage or handling
Precautionary statements
What is the primary purpose of laboratory log
To track patient lab results in the event the original lab reports are unable to be located
To prevent the use of necropsy tools on live animals, the tools should be
Labeled and stored in a separate area
When shipping specimens to a reference laboratory, all of the following should be preformed EXCEPT
sent through regular mail
Bacteria can be transferred from animals to veterinary staff in all of the following except
direct contact with infected animals, inhalation of aerosolized bacteria, and absorption of the bacteria absorbed through MM
When the results of a laboratory report have been received, they should be:
given to the veterinarian for interpretation
Which term refers to the reproducibility of a test result
To reduce the chance of fire, flammable materials, such as newspapers, boxes, and cleaning chemicals must always be stored at least ___ ft away from an ignition source, such as a water heater, furnace, or stove.
When handling a pet with sarcoptic mange, aside from gloves, what other PPE should be worn
Infectious disease that can be passed from animals to humans are known as
zoonotic diseases
Which tissue should be submitted in a case where rabies infection is suspected
Entire head
A necropsy can be preformed on a patient for all of the following reasons EXCEPT to
treat infectious diseases
What is a common reason for preformance of necropsy
to determine the cause of death
Toxoplasma is especially harmful to developing fetuses. Pregnant women should
Have Toxoplasma titers evaluated before becoming pregnant
Autoclaves present a danger from the pressure that is used for proper sterilization.Therefore
be sure to vent to release pressure and steam before you open the door
When caring for microscopes, what should be used to clean the lens
lens paper
Which of the following personal protective equipment can be reused?
clean eye protection goggles/face shield
Which feature of a microscope controls the amount of light illuminating an object?
Which is the correct total magnification for a microscope using 10x ocular lens and 40x objective
serum protein is usually a little lower than plasma protein, because there is no __ in it.
What information does the MCV value in a CBC reflect
The average size of the red blood cells
EDTA works to stop coagulation by
binding with calcium
Variation in RBC size is called
The substage condenser of the microscope should be in a relatively high position when evaluating a blood smear or cytology prep
What are monocytes converted into when they migrate from blood into tissues in search of foregin invaders in an animal host?
___ refers to variation in RBC shape
Back leg injection or blood taken out
Lateral Saphenous
__ is the percentage of RBC’s in a specific volume of blood
___ is the average amount of hemoglobin in each RBC
Blood for a platelet count should be drawn into a tube containing ___ anticoagulant
What clinical laboratory device can be used to manually count white blood cells
For which of the following species would the presence of nucleated red blood cells identified during a CBC not be considered abnormal
EDTA, heparin, and sodium citrate are examples of
Unstained blood smears should be stored away from formalin fumes and shipped separately from surgical biopsies that have been placed in formalin
inhibit optimal staining
The predominant circulating white blood cell in dogs, cats, and horses
Contain numerous, large, brightly staining granules in horses
Have a twisted or irregular nucleus in dogs
up to 50% may be intermediate to large size in cows
Have abundant grey-blue cytoplasm, possibly with clear vacuoles
Mast cells
Contain numerous purple granules and a round nucleus
Band neutrophils
Are also called stabs these are immature neutrophils
Reactive lymphocytes
Have more intensely basophilic cytoplasm and may have a perinuclear clear area
The blood parasite Anaplasma marginale is easily mistaken for stain percipitate
On the microscope, the ___ objective is recommended for blood smear evaluation
100x oil immersion
Hemolysis and icterus, previous hemorrhage, or ruptured bladder
Ruptured bile duct
White or tan
Lipid or high numbers of cells
Red or pink
Internal hemorrhage
What is an alternate name for packed cell volume
Hematocrit (HCT)
Plasma from healthy dogs and cats is __, whereas plasma from horses and cattle is ___
Clear and colorless; clear and light-yellow
Agglutination refers to irregular, variably sized clumps of RBC’s that form because of
excess antibodies bound to the surface of RBC’s
Newer hematology analyzers designed for processing animal blood samples are becoming more widely used in veterinary settings. Some of these instuments utilize ___ method, in which cells in the blood sample interfere with an electrical current, thereby providing information on the various sizes if the cells present
A veterinary assistant restrains a canine in lateral recumbency. This position is most likely to be used for venipuncture of the
lateral saphenous vein
Platelet clumps occur most commonly in dogs
what process activates secondary hemostasis
Coagulation cascade
It is important to fill the collection tubes with the correct volume of blood because
Underfilling can lead to sample dilution with anticoagulant
___ it is the protein in RBC’s that carries oxygen from lungs to tisssues
Taking blood out in the front legs
Which is the preferred anticoagulant used to prevent clotting in mammalian blood samples destined for hematologic
Which component of urine must be identified through microscopic examination?
Cellular elements
A disadvantage of the free catch method of obtaining a urine sample is
Contamination from the urethra, from areas around the urethral opening, and from the lower genital tract
Urine pH should be measured shortly after sample collection, As urine stands, the pH will
Increase due to loss of carbon dioxide
The refractometer is a tool that is used to measure urine specific gravity
A urine SG less than ___ indicates that the kidneys are functioning and are able to actively dilute the urine
Crystalluria is a term given to the abscence of crystals in the urine
Collecting a urine sample for bacterial culture should be done before the rest of the urinalysis is preformed
to avoid contamination
Which would be the best method of collection when preforming a urine culture and sensitivity
When completing a urinalysis, the urine must be warmed to room temperature first
Gross examination of urine includes color, clarity, volume, and:
Which of the following statements about the collection of urine is the most accurate?
Urinary crystals can either form or dissolve after the urine sample is collected
To centrifuge a urine specimen for microscopic evaluation, the specimen should be spun:
On low speed for 5 minutes
May increase as a result of loss of carbon dioxide as urine stands
May appear in the urine as a consequence of glomerular disease
May present in the urine in animals with starvation
May change from positive to negative if the urine is centrifuged
Which of the following commonly employed methods to collect a urine sample is considered least desirable to culture
Collection from cage floor
Bilirubin is not detected in normal __ urine, so bilirubinuria in this species indicates disease
Staining of urine sedimentation improves the visual aspect of cellular matter
Normal urine should
not contain glucose
A ___ is a quick and simple way to measure urine SG
Alkaline urine (pH>8) can
give a false-positive protein results
When sending out a urine sample to a referecne laboratory, in addition to patient information, what additional information should be provided
collection method
Urate crystals may be seen in the urine of __ as the results of an inherited error of metabolism, and in some dogs with portosystemic shunts
Chemical properties of urine include volume, color, odor, turbidity, and specific gravity
Pigments that give color to urine are called urochromes
A decrease in the volume of urine produced is called oliguria
Urine with a SG in the range of 1.008 to 1.012 is ___ and indicates that the urine is being neither concentrated nor diluted compared to plasma
In most species, normal urine should be clear. Exceptions are the
horses and rabbit
Which statement would be helpful for a client bringing in a pet’s urine sample?
A free catch sample should be collected first thing in the morning
When testing an animal’s urine using a chemistry reagent strip (dip stick), it is important to remember which tests will not yield accurate results using reagent strips. Those tests include
leukocytes and SG
When setting up for urinary catheterization, the catheter may be sterile, the site may be surgically scrubbed and non-sterile exam gloves are worn
A urine pH below 7 increased h+ is
once would expect to find calcium carbonate crystals in normal urine from a
Before placing stored urine on a chemical test strip, it must be:
Room temperature
When removing ticks from an animals , it is important to:
remove the mouthparts
Giardia, babesia,coccidians
When asking a client to bring in a fecal sample for his or her dog, the client should be instructed to bring approximately ___ feces in to be examined
1 teaspoon
Due to the health risk posed by toxoplasmosis, pregnant women should take caution when handling
Cat and cat feces
The principle of fecal flotation is based on which of the following
the eggs of the parasite are lighter than the flotation solution and will float to the surface where they can be stuck to a cover slip placed on the top of the vial
Infestation with larval flies (maggots) is referred to as
the intermediate host (and vector for transmission) of dirofilaria immitis is the
An infestation by which organism(s) is termed pediculosis
Zoonotic diseases can infect
both humans and animal species
Which stage of the tick life cycle has six legs
Infestation by ____ is called acariasis
mites or ticks
If a patient is suspected to have a ctenocephalides spp. infestation which of the following tools can help to confirm the diagnosis
flea comb
Hookworms are found in the small intestine of dogs and cats. As a group, hookworms may produce a zoonotic confition in humans known as
cuataneous larva migrans
fecal flotation and urine sedimentation are both examples of ___ techniques
A small amount of fecal material that is mixed with saline, to produce a emulsion clear enough to read
direct fecal smear
A parasite that resides on the surface of its host is termed a(n)
Dirofilaria immitis, the canine heartworm, usually resides in the right ventricle and branches of the pulmonary artery; however it may “get off track” during its migration to the heart and become established in the anterior chamber of the eye
aberrant or erratic parasite
Canine___ are voracious blood feeders owing to their unique teeth and their large buccal cavity. Pale MM and hydremia (watery blood) may be seen, signaling anemia, particularly in young puppies
What is the easiest way to tell sucking lice from biting lice
shape of head and mouthpiece
An organism that harbors the immature stage of a parasite is referred to as
intermediate host
Which of the following disease could potentially be transmitted from a dog to their owner
Which of the following groups of parasites include ticks, mosquitos and mites
This mite dwells in hair follicles and sebaceous glands and although it is not a sarcopitform mite, it produces a similar syndrome, with localized or generalized alopecia
Demodex canis
The extreme prutius associated with a sarcoptes scabei infestation caused by the mite
tunneling into the host’s epidermis
The definitive host of Toxoplasma gondii is
When an owner reports finding particles that resemble dry, uncooked white rice on their dog’s or cat’s bedding, the pet should be checked for
Most gastrointestinal parasites are diagnosed by testing and examination of the:
Mites causing which of the following conditions can easily infect people
sarcoptic mange
____ resembles a whip, hence its a common name, the whipworm
Trichuris vulpis
prior to using s blade skin scraping, it must be ___
Ticks that affect small animals include all the fallowing except
cheyletiella species
Borrelia burgdorferi, rickettsia spp, Ehrlichia canis and anaplasma marginale are all examples of what
tick-borne microorganisms
When performing skin scraping, what is the solution that must be placed on the slide before
Mineral oil
Fecal samples should be collected fresh and examined within ___ hours of collection
The supplies needed to preform a direct fecal smear are
Feces, wood applicator, microscope slide,saline,cover slip
This common tapeworm is found in the small intestine of dogs,catas, and ferrets, and is commonly called the cucumber seed tapeworm and the double-pored tapeworm
Dipylidium caninum