Clinical Focus 2 Flashcards
Definition of affect
The behavioral expression of emotion; may be appropriate (congruent with the situation); may be inappropriate (incongruent); constricted or blunted (diminished range and intensity); or flat (absent of emotional expression)
Definition of catatonic schizophrenia (catatonia)
A type that is typified by stupor or excitement. Stupor is characterized by extreme psychomotor retardation, mutism, negativism, and posturing; excitement by psychomotor agitation, in which the movements are frenzied and purposeless
Definition of delusions
False personal beliefs not consistent with a person’s intelligence or cultural background. The individual continues to have the belief in spite of obvious proof that it is false and/or irrational.
Definition of depersonalization
An alteration in the perception or experience of the self so that the feeling of one’s own reality is temporarily lost.
Definition of disorganized schizophrenia
Behavior is markedly regressive and primitive. Contact with reality is extremely poor. Affect is flat or grossly inappropriate, often with periods of silliness and incongruous giggling. Facial grimaces and bizarre mannerisms are common, and communication is consistently incoherent. Personal appearance is generally neglected, and social impairment is extreme.
Definition of dopamine theory
The theory suggests that schizophrenia (or schizophrenia like symptoms) may be caused by an excess of dopamine dependent neuronal activity in the brain. This excess activity may be related to increased production or release of the substance at nerve terminals, increased receptor sensitivity, too many dopamine receptors, or a combination of these mechanisms.
Definition of double-bind communication
Definition of hallucination
False sensory perceptions not associated with real external stimuli. Hallucinations may involve any of the five senses.
Definition of anger
An emotional response to one’s perception of a situation. Anger has both positive and negative functions.
Definition of Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
A rare but potentially fatal complication of treatment with neuroleptic drugs. Symptoms include severe muscle rigidity, high fever, tachycardia, fluctuations in blood pressure, diaphoresis, and rapid deterioration of mental status to stupor and coma.
Definition of low serotonin syndrome
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Definition of no-harm contact
Definition of violence
Definition of illusion
A misperception of a real external stimulus.
Definition of loose associations
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