Clinical Equine Nutrition Flashcards
Describe the equine demographics.
-most pleasure horses, least is racing
-aging: geriatric horse >20y
>live longer due to decreased breeding, better nutrition, & medicine
Describe feeding info of equine.
-pasture & hay
-most use commercial feeds (grain mixes)
Describe equine dentition.
-graze 14-18h per day
-chew food once into small pieces -> max digestion
-effective use high fiber feeds (grass/hay)
-efficiently use high qual feeds (grains & seed meals)
Describe equine dentition.
-3 phases of chewing: open, close, power stroke phase
-lateral excursion = side to side
-Rostro cd movement
-grasp using lips, tongue, teeth
-mix w salvia in mouth = moist bolus
>parotid, submaxillary, sublingual salivary gland
>35-40L per day
>bi carb = buffer & protect AA degradation
Describe aging by teeth.
-triadan system
-k9 in males (more teeth)
Describe the equine GIT - esophagus.
-little reflux capacity
-risk of obstruction
Describe equine GIT - stomach.
-small grazer/nibbler
-10% of the GIT
-9-15L content
>50% of sm meals emptied by 90min
>amount of digestion is minimal
—pepsin (protein digesting enzyme) *
—hydrochloric acid *
>secreted by oxyntic cells in squamous area
>breaks down solid particles
>dec bact ferm
-pH = 2.6-5.4 (not as acidic as dog)
>prone to gastric ulcers
Describe equine GIT - SI.
-28% horse GIT
-protein digestion *
>absorbed as AA
>varies w protein source
—high qual more digested pre cecal
-commercial feeds 55% protein digested in SI
-SI secretes enzymes (pancreas releases greatest amount)
-enzymatic digestion *
>protein, fat, starch, sugar
—proteases - protein - AA
—lipase - fat - TAG & glycerol
—amylase - sugars & starches - glu
-liver = bile flow continuous (dont have gall bladder)
-carbohydrate digestion & absorption in SI
-Vit A, D, E, K = fat soluble
-Ca, Mg, P
-oils inc time in SI & enzymatic digestion inc absorption & inc cal & inc absorption
Describe equine GIT - cecum.
-blind sack
-microbial inoculation
-microbial digestion *
-break down feed not digested in SI
-fibrous feed (hay/pasture)
-bacteria make: vit K, B complex vit, FA, proteins (not absorbed) *
Describe equine GIT - lg colon.
-dorsal, R & L ventral
-site of water absorption *
-microbial digestion *
-make VFA (acetate, butyrate, propionate)
Describe equine GIT - sm colon.
-majority nutrients digested
-what’s left cant be digested or used
>reclaim excess moisture
>fecal ball formation
>expelled - rectum - anus
Describe equine nutrition general ideas.
-BCS not weight for feeding program
>1-9 (ideal is 5)
>henneke BCS system
>neck, withers, back, tail head, ribs, behind shoulder
-eat 2-2.5% of BW/day *
-high qual pasture or hay (fulfills daily nutrient requirement)