Clinical Anatomy of venous ulceration Flashcards
What makes up the upper limb?
Axilla Arm (brachium) Elbow/cubital fossa Forearm (ante-brachium) Wrist Hand
What makes up the lower limb?
Inguinal region Thigh Knee/popliteal fossa Leg Ankle Foot
Where does the subclavian pass through?
Passes above the 1st rib
What is the arterial supply to the limbs?
Subclavian artery Axillary artery Brachial artery Deep brachial artery Radial artery Ulnar artery Metacarpal and digital arteries
How many digital arteries are there per digit?
What is the arterial supply to the lower limbs?
External iliac artery Deep femoral artery Femoral artery - perforating arteries Popliteal artery Anterior tibial artery Posterior tibial artery Dosalis pedis artery Medial and lateral plantar artery Arcuate artery Metatarsa and digital arteries
What does the brachial artery give off?
Radial and ulnar arteries
What does the popliteal artery give off?
Anterior tibial artery
Posterior tibial artery
What does the anterior tibial artery give off?
Dorsalis pedis artery
What does the posterior tibial artery give off?
Medial and lateral plantar arteries
What artery between the radial and ulnar is medial?
Ulnar is medial
Radial is lateral
Where does the brachial artery lie?
Medial biceps tendon in the cubital fossa
Where does the radial artery lie?
Lateral to the tendon of flexor carpi radialis
Where does the femoral artery lie?
Inferior to the midpoint of inguinal ligament
Where does the popliteal artery lie?
In popliteal fossa
Where does the posterior tibial artery lie?
Between the posterior border of the medial malleolus and the achilles tendon
Where does the dorsalis pedis artery lie?
Medial to tendon of extensor hallucis longus distal to the ankle joint
What are the characteristics of superficial veins?
Small and thin
Run in superficial fascia
Highly variable
Drain into deep vein
What are the characteristics of deep veins?
Large and thick
Run deep to deep fascia
More predictable
Occur in neurovascular bundles
What makes up the superficial fascia?
Loose connective tissue and fat
Varies in depth
Superficial blood vessels, cutaneous nerves, lymphatics and sweat glands
What makes up the deep fascia?
Tough and sheet like Dense connective tissue Usually white, glistening in appearance Covers most of body deep to skin and superficial fascia Divides limbs into compartments
What is the function of the IT (Iliotibial Tract) band?
Keeps the lateral aspect of hip connected to the lateral aspect of the crurus
What is the origin of the cephalic vein?
Arises from the posterolateral aspect of the dorsal venous network