Clinical Flashcards
what is papiledema?
this is where there is a blurring of optic discs due to increased intracranial pressure
what is dysarthria?
difficulty speaking
what is rhinorroea?
this is where there is a leakage of CSF from the nose
what is anosmia?
loss of smell
what is the most fractured bone of the face?
the nasal
what is the second most common fracture of the face?
the mandible
what does ptosis result from?
CN III injury
which nerves decussate?
optic although not truely
trochlear is only true as it does it where it starts
what is lymphadenopathy?
enlargement of lymph nodes due to infection or malignancy
what do the lymph nodes feel like on palpation if enlarged due to infection?
on palpation, what do lymph nodes feel like if malignant?
non tender
what symptoms accompany EBV?
swollen node sore throat fatigue fever painful node
what are the majority of head and neck cancers?
squamous cell
what is head and neck cancer associated with?
what symptoms present with head and neck cancer?
sore throat
how do you diagnose head and neck cancer?
fine needle aspiration
what is an extradural haematoma?
seperation of periosteum layer of dura matter from cranium and a torn blood vessel bleeds into this space
which vessel is an extradural haematoma most commonly associated with?
middle menangial artery
if there was a subdural haemotoma in a small baby, by which route would you aspirate and why?
between the partietal bones and frontal because they dont fuse until later on, insert a needle into the connective tissue separating them
why are cervical vertebrae prone to prolapse during whiplash injuries?
no horizontal alignment of vertebrae
why might a fracture of the lower mandible result in numbness of the lower lip?
may involve inferior alveolar nerve as it exits mental foramen
how does Paget’s disease affect the skull?
exaggerated reabsorption and replacement
thickening, swelling and increased vascularity
severe pain
jaw enlarged and teeth fuse with bone
what nerve may be damaged during a forceps delivery?
facial as it exits the stylomastoid foramen
how might a patient present with a damaged scm?
cannot flex or laterally flex
rotated neck
how can scm be damaged in childbirth?
may be stretched in delivery and tear
tight, fibrous tissue forms
what might a patient present with with an aneurysm of arch of aorta?
vomitting and nausea clammy high hr blood clots thoracic pain
if you were to feel for the pulse in the carotid triangle, what complication may arise?
why might an infection deep in the pterygoid region endanger the eye?
connected to cavernous sinus which is connected to eye via superior and inferior orbital veins
can increase icp
why does tongue become numb in inferior alveolar nerve block?
lingual is near and derives from the mandibular nerve as well
how can the tmj dislocate on yawning?
if there is excessive contraction of lat pterygoids while the other muscles are relaxed
What is bruxism?
Grinding of teeth when asleep
What is knacking?
Loud sounds when the jaw displaces (cracking)
What is mal occlusion syndrome?
Muscular pain
What is temperomandibular pain dysfunction?
Muscular pain not attributable to particular structure but tight and painful jaw
Why can metastasis occur in the infratemporal fossa?
Because it is a potential space
What can dislocation of TMJ be caused by?
Fractured mandible
Blow to open jaw
Yawning or a large bite
what are the common bacteria causing an ear infection?
strep pneumonia
moraxella catarrhalis
haemophillus influenza
how can osteosclerosis lead to impaired hearing?
osteosclerosis of stapes to oval window, resulting in dampened movement