Clin Path 1 Flashcards
Red blood cells
Erythrocyte production
produced within the bone marrow
Erythrocyte function
synthesize hemoglobin and transport oxygen (via bound to hemoglobin
Packed cell volume
percentage of RBC within a whole blood sample
measured with a microhematocrit tube and centrifuge
% of blood volume filled by RBC
determined from a hematology analyzer
percentage calculated
calculated by RBC and mean corpuscular volume (MVC)
Red blood cell count
number of RBCs/per unit of blood
grams of hemoglobin/100ml of blood
hemoglobin concentration
determined by an hematology analyzer
production of RBC
erythroid hyperplasia
appropriate bone marrow response to peripheral need for RBC
ex. blood loss resulting in a decrease in peripheral tissue oxygen tension
erythroid hypoplasia
bone marrow is not responding to peripheral need for RBC
due to a variety of causes
stage just before a mature RBC
cells lack a nucleus but still contain organelles and RNA
released from the ,arrow in response to peripheral need for RBC
NOT in horses
reticulocytosis indicates regenerative anemia
Reticulocyte %
percentage of RBC that are reticulocytes
RBC indices
mean corpuscular volume (MCV)
mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)
mean corpuscular volume or average volume of circulating RBC
provides a volume of average RBC
larger cells=higher MCV
smaller cells=lower MCV
mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration or average concentration og hemoglobin within circulating RBC
cells with less hemoglobin=lower MCHC
cells can not have excess hemoglobin
Anemia characterized
first by severity
then by regenerative or non-regenerative
increased number in blood
regeneration and is an appropriate response to anemia
normal PCV
RBC indices microcytic
iron deficiency-support low MCHC
portosystemic shunt-unknown mechanism and support high ammonia
RBC indices Macroytic
erythriod regeneration-support: reticulocytosis and low MCHC
RBC agglutination (artifactually high MCV)
iron deficiency
support low MCV
erythroid regeneration
support increased reticulocytes
iron deficiency
support low MCV
erythroid regeneration
support increased reticulocytes
not real
result of artifact (in vitro or in vivo)
intravascular hemolysis
numerous heinz bodies
macrocytic, hypochromic
look for a reticulocytosis to support erythroid regeneration
microcytic, hypochromic
most compatible with iron deficiency (albeit late stage; early iron deficiency is hard to identify as indices are normal
can be regenerative or non-regnerative
presence of nRBCs in peripheral blood
increased nRBC
do not equal regeneration
increased nRBCs may accompany regeneration
appropriate metarubricytosis
occurs concurrently with a regenerative anemia