Clin Med - Exam 2 Flashcards
- Person presents with hallucinations and flat affect. What else do you want in your evaluation?
Disorganized thought, abnormal behavior, & delusions
- What stage of MSE do you use to evaluate the LOC?
Appearance & behavior
- Son from college presents with father because he thinks that the FBI is out to get him what area of his brain is being affected?
Excess Dopamine in the mesolimbic area
- OCD wife with obsessive hand washing is driving her husband insane. What do you want to start for treatment?
Exposure Tx & SSRI
- MC co-morbidity with anorexia?
- Which will make you immediately admit your anorexic patient?
Cardiac arrhythmia
- Lady presents with constant generalized worry, no ETOH or substance abuse, irritation, aggravation, and no specific triggers. She drinks 2-3 cups of coffee a day. What would you like to use for treatment?
- Which of the following is not a risk factor for PTSD?
In utero viral infection
- What do you do to screen for alcohol dependence?
CAGE questions
- Which one of the following best describes compulsion?
Repetitive ritual to suppress anxiety
- Chick who is feeling sad for a long time with no suicide. What do you want to start her on?
SSRI (fluoxetine)
- Older lady forced to retire, lost weight, won’t go outside, who is hypersomnic and doesn’t want to do anything to leave the house what do you give her?
Wellbutrin because it is a melancholic depression (need DA agonist)
- Daughter brings in her Mother who was previously diagnosed with schizophrenia is dressed oddly, has very odd and bizarre beliefs and doesn’t make eye contact?
- Dude who has a general mistrust of others but has no issues functioning in a social environment?
Paranoid Schizophrenia
- Difference between factitious and Somatic syndrome disorder?
Conscious deceit
- Qualifying factors for Somatic disorder?
Patients tend to seek medical help and get re-evaluated frequently/presentations of the disease are inconsistent w/ an actual medical disorder
- DM pt who has dysphoria, depressed mood, lack of excitation what did you do to evaluate?
PH-Q 9 to screen for depression
- Dysphoria?
- What is the most effective way to treat CD and ODD?
Parent training
- Which do you disregard with ODD and CD?
- Treatment of male pt coming off of morphine, alcohol, cocaine who gets irritated and aggressive waiting for labs?
- Dude who lost his job and immediately after was depressed and had issues with his friends and co-workers. After four months he got a new job and felt a lot better?
Adjustment disorder
- if it lasted more >6mo it would be considered depression
- Difference between PTSD and ASR?
ASR duration is 4wks
If sx’s last >4wks = PTSD
- ASR had Symptoms like PTSD
- Pt with a BMI of 24 admits to overeating and then feeling guilty afterwards for 10 years along with feelings of dysthymia?
Binge Disorder
- What is the diagnosis of a patient feeling the need to walk in a circle clockwise ten times?
- What is the only approved drug to treat Bulimia?
- These patients present with anxiety, avoidance, and fear?
Cluster C
- Female presents with rash decisions and Impulsive behaviors?
- Friends drop off unconsciousness male at the clinic. He has track marks on his arm and you suspect that it is a heroine overdose. What would you like to use to treat them?
- Depersonalized disorder?
Recurrent sense of detachment from ones self
- Which of the following is not an epidemiology factor for schizophrenia?
Women are most commonly effected
- What is the definition of schizoaffective?
Have a diagnosis of schizophrenia with an overlying mood disorder
- Male is brought in by his wife. Feelings of constant dysphoria and feelings of depression. He says he is going to go home and pull out a gun when his family is asleep?
Admit via section 12
- Sister brings in her brother who has chest pains and SOB. He is quiet and withdrawn. His sister says that he is always like this and that he and doesn’t have any friends. He avoided eye contact and wanted to get out of there?
Schizoid d/o
- Girl presents with a BMI of 15, thin, and everything else that looks like anorexia?
- Man gets palpitations, sweating, and tachycardia every time he gets on an elevator. What treatment has been shown to be effective?
Exposure therapy
- Man comes in and is very arrogant, states that his job is a CEO, and that he demands to have his surgery for next Thursday. What type of personality disorder is this?
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
- What is the DSM V for?
It is used to differentiate between actual disease and somatic disorders
- Girl presents with a ton of Sx (pain with intercourse, GI pains, dizziness, and weakness of limbs) she has been worked up before but has not had a Dx. What is the most likely Dx?
Somatic Symptom Disorder
- When you are evaluating a patient of a suspected Somatic Symptom disorder you must always do what?
Always be sure that you perform a proper work up and rule out actual disease
- Man who is oriented to place and time but has euphoria, flight of ideas, pressured speech, and delusions of grandeur?
Bipolar spectrum
- Lady presents post seizure and admits that she drinks 6+ beers a day. She then goes into another seizure. What describes this type of condition?
Alcohol dependence
- Worst outlook for the kid who violates the rights of others and is pretty much a dick?
Conduct disorder
- Patient has untreated depression and now has a behavior change with gambling away their house savings and insomnia. How do you treat?
- Bipolar I vs Bipolar II?
Bipolar I and II both have MDD but Bipolar I presents with mania and Bipolar II presents with hypomania
- You are worried that your patient might go into alcohol withdrawal, what do you want to do?
- CVA patients is presenting with impairment after acute sepsis and wants to go home and insists that he can take care of himself. What kind of thinking is this?
Impairment of judgment and decision making capabilities
- Which of the following is most true regarding PTSD?
Can present years later after the event
- What is the goal of Tx in the acute stage of Schizophrenia?
Prevent harm to self and others