facts to know
annual emissions of CO2 increased by 18% from agriculture, but decreased by 14% for land usage in Aus
- agriculture = 80% global water use
what are some options for climate change
- adapt
- reduce emissions (mitigate)
- reduce total energy use
- shift to other sources
- store carbon in the ground
direct vs indirect impacts of climate change on forests
direct = drought and wind throw
indirect = pests and disease + fire risks
- collapse of ecosystems and biodiv
- water balance
direct impacts on water
- reduced run off
- reduced water available for crops
- increased water use efficiency
- floods with extreme weather
what is included in an adaptation plan
- timescale
- to what scale
- participants
- stockholders
- resources
4 types of adaptive responses
- technological
- behavioural (changed food and recreational choices)
- managerial (altered farming practices)
- policy (planning regulations)
what are some agricultural adaptive responses to climate change
- variation in planting time
- crop management
- new crops
- farming systems
- water management
carbon mitigations using land
- reduce emissions by retaining existing C in forests
- increase carbon stocks - C into soils and biomass
- replace fossil fuel emissions with bioenergy
at what level should carbon be stabilised at?
500ppm CO2
bu Aus aims for 153 Mt CO2 per year
what are some bioenergy strategies
- direct combustion - combusting wastes instead of wasting them
- second generation - using alternative transport fuels
- BECCS - bioenergy and carbon capture storage
how is salinity offset?
-adding clays to sandy soils
- restoring catchments
what drives agriculture intesification?
- population growth
- intensification of diets (30-70% world grain fed to livestock) - desire for clean food
how can we improve food production
- better variety
- increase input
- adapt to climate change
- increase irrigation efficiency
what are the aims of intensification
- increase yields sustainably
- maintain evrio values
are some water sources
- precip
- surface water (6%) catchments
- groundwater (94%) - aquifers
- basins
why do we use irrigation?
- to avoid water logging
- to optimise water use and quality
methods of irrigation
- flood/furrow
- trickle
- spray
methods of irrigation management
- water efficient crops
- water buudgeting
- salinity management
- drip irrigation
equation for water balance
change = inputs - outputs
in = rainfall, irrigation
out = crop water use, evap, drainage
what is soil monitoring for
- improve efficiency
- reduce costs
- reduce leaching of nutrients
- reduce salt buurden