Client care Flashcards
Why is it important to you to set objectives?
- They provide focus, direction, motivation
- They help prioritise resources and efforts, increase efficiency and accountability, and enable measurement of progress and success
- Alignment with a client’s business need
- Used to monitor performance with KPIs based on objectives
Tell me about your duty of care towards your clients.
As a surveyor and member of the RICS
- I have a duty to act in the public interest
As an agent
- I have a duty to exercise reasonable care and skill in advising on an appropriate asking price or rent for the property
Duty of Care as set out in legal contract
Who are your clients?
HMRC, DWP, The Ministry of Housing, Communities and
Local Government
What happens after the 28 substantive response if the complaint is not satisfied?
2nd stage redress. Claimant can take their complaint to an independent redress provider, as approved by RICS Regulatory Board.
Which redress scheme does your employer use?
When dealing with an unrepresented ratepayer, is there anything else you would do apart from avoiding jargon?
Advise them to seek professional representation
Give me an example of meeting clients service level requirements, including time limits?
Whilst valuing a domestic property for inheritance tax, I made sure to do my desk based valuation in the right time frame so that I could update HMRC, the client of the VOA, within a timely manner.
How do you set fees?
- Review the scope of services
- Review the market rate
- Assess the responsibilities and deliverables set out
How have you used standard forms of appointment?
Used a standard form of appointment for consultants on projects assuming it is a normal, lower risk and lower fee role.
Use the Linkcity standard form of appointment which is aligned with RICS Standard Form of Consultant’s Appointment (2022)
- Project description
- Consultant’s obligations – scope of services and deliverables
- Insurance Requirements
- Fees and fee schedule
- Complaints Handling Procedure
- Termination
- Anti-Bribery and Modern Slavery Policies
What insurance requirements are you aware of (both legal and RICS)?
- PI Insurance Cover – should comply with RICS limits
- Set out any limitations on liability
- Public liability insurance covers claims made against your business by clients, contractors, or members of the public for accidental injury or damage to their property
How are stakeholders identified?
Stakeholder Analysis
- Identifying the key stakeholders and their interests (positive or negative) in the project;
- Assessing the influence of, importance of, and level of impact upon each stakeholder;
- Identifying how best to engage stakeholders.
Explain formal communication systems with clients and stakeholders you are aware of.
- Letter
- Progress reporting
- Public forum
What are the RICS requirements in relation to complaints handling procedure (CHP)?
RICS requirements for CHP:
- a complaint must be acknowledged within 7 days
- complaint must be actioned within 28 days
- all RICS regulated firms must have a CHP, a complaints log and a dedicated complaints handling officer
- CHP must be included within terms of engagement
When and how can the RICS be involved in a complaint about a firm or member?
The RICS can be involved in complaints if there is a proven breach of rules of conduct or law.
RICS has set out principles for provide alternative dispute resolution mechanisms
Tell about why it is important to develop long-term client relationships.
Business Need – gaining long term and trusted clients is invaluable for the business. Easier to work with existing clients than to find new ones
Recommendations/Testimonies – helps to gain new business
Ease of working – know each other’s working styles and objectives
Tell me about the different stakeholders you have come across in your role.
- The Ministry of Housing, Communities and
Local Government
Tell me about how you have tailored your client care to one of these stakeholders.
- Communication Methods
- Priorities and objectives tailored to the client’s business need
What KPIs might you agree with a client to monitor performance?
KPIs should be aligned with the objectives of the client, general ones are:
- Time
- Cost