classical conditioing Flashcards
ucs: stimulus that automatically triggers a specif refkex response
ucr: auntomatic reflex that responds ti the ucs
ns: stumulus which would not normally triggeer a specif reflex response
cs: ns now triggers a specif reflex response
cr: the learned reposne , reflex triggered by the cs
forward/ delayed conditiping
ns presnted before the ucs but still present when ucs is presented
trace conditioing
ns is presnted before the ucs but stops before the ucs is presnted
simualtenous conditioning
nc and ucs are presented simultaneusly
backwards conditioing
ns comes after ucs
higher order conditioining
conditioing a stimuls to a response but then chnahging the stimulus to keep the same response
eg: pavlov first ns was a bell but then he changed ut to a black suquare both had a conditioned response of salivation
behaviour becomes unlearnt because no ucs presnted so learned response distingusihes
eg: buzzing bell wiyhout presntimg food so learned cr of salivation gets faded
sponatnetous recovery
when we assume behaviour is extincyt hwoever it begins to resurface
eg: removong the dog from an experiment it will still salivate if cs shown
genralise cr to stuff similar to cs which gives us the same response
bnot respinding to diff variations of the cs
one trial learning
bad accidents is the ucs will trigger a fear response of anxiety which is the ucr
might experince feeling of anxiety everytime u pass the same scene as it has become associated with the accident
the scene is now the cs and anxiety is r
cc is when we learn thru assicuation , occurs when a ns is associated with an ucs so that a ns can bring out the same response which the ucs presnst this is called a ucr which is a natural reflex when we are exposed to the ucs. the ns is then conditioned to become a cs and produce a cr
this is upoorted by the stufy of pavlov.
pavlov found that dogs can be cc to saliavte to the sound of bell rather than food, pavlov recorded that the saliavtion occured 9 seconds after the bell and after 45 secs 11 drops were collected after the dog had been cc to the sound of the bell which occured by pavlov inteoducing the metronnme just before the food.
however thsi research to support cc was conducted ona dog , although we ares imilar and they have highered ordered thinking we dont share the same cerebral cortex and tehreofre finsings of cc as a way od explaimh human behaviour cannot be generalied to how humans learn
. therefore lowers the gerelsiablity of the explanationa nd may not be credible in expalingi g human behaviour
explnation is reductionist it oversimplifies how we learn behvaiour and only explains a limited amount of behaviours just as saivationan in dogs but doesnt exaplain how to stop the bahviour from extinction which is when behavuoisr starts to fade when the ucs is not showed
. it fails to think ofn genetic and biological factors.
eg fails to account for slt which is when behaviour is learnt thru rol models and supported by bandura and fails to explain how bormones effec t behabiour
howeereve little albert supports it, found that fear can be conditioned into babys as la was conditioned to become afraid of rats through the use of conditioing the rat with a loud bang causing reactions such as crying.
thereofre lowers creidbility as it doesnt account for other fa ctores igbores nurture only focuses on nature
how good is the research
genrelaistaion is when stuff similar to the cs produces the same conditioned response that the original stimulus would produce.
in la albert generalised the fear of rats to other furry stimuli therefore supporting how generlsabilty can ocur with products that are similar ina pperanve.
this theory can be used to help encourage postive behavioures and redusctions of fears thru the use of behvauoural therapies such as sd, this is when the stimulas is graudallyy exposed to help overcome the phobia .
such therapies can be used to help ecourage posyove bahoiurs in schs