bandura Flashcards
aim: to see of agression on film will be imitated
48 boys 48 girls stanford uni age 3-6 years old
1 female experimenter both m and f modes
3 exeperimemtal groups 1 comtrol
real agg : watched on agg human model
filmed agg group: watched same model but on film
agg cartoon group: wtached acrtoon charcter be agg , female cat
aggression meausred in other rroom with toys same as 1961
table cahir tinker toy and mallet and bobo doll
kids made mildly aggressive before going in room to play behaviour observed in one way mirror with 2 bsevers every 5 seconds for 20 minutes
results: real life; 83% human film: 92% cartoon 99 control 54
no sigg diff bwteeeen ral life and movie
sg diff bwteeen agg and control
comnclusions: observibg film agg leads to rea life agg
watching agg lead to agg but also imiattaing teh agg acts so socail ab ehaviour may came from tv
aim; investiagte role of viacrious reinformnet children watched fimed verbal and pshysical agg being reindorced tosee consquece on imiatmg behabiour
procduere; 33 boys 33 girls
3 conditioms
model rewarded for agg
model punsihed
no conqwunve
kids watched tv which included adult sized bobo doll right aftervwtaching tv kids were observed for 10 mins every 5 secs for 20 minutes
rewarded: adult seen on tv entering room with sweets and sift drins adukt to model he was a strong champ and had superb agg performnave model cosmumed treats and enjoyed them
punished: adult entred room, shook finger at model whilst calling odel a big bully model hit by newsapaper
seeing positive reindornet increased likelihood of agg behaiousr
boys perofmed more imiatative respone tan girs
conclusion: children less lilelt to imiatateb role models they see being p8nsihe howebr no consquenvw condotion showed taht behaviour doesmy have to be reinforve
aim; to see if kids learnt thru imiataioj
36 b 36 g
maytcyed by phsyial and verba agression from teacers
brogghy in by experimenter put in corner showed how to dsg a pic model oppsite crone with tabe cahir tinkey ty and mallet and bobo doll
agg cond: model actd aggrssiebkt twoards bobo doll
npn agg: model played with dolls
room 1 agg/non agg : afte 10 mins child took to diff room
agresssion arousal took place, told not laloowed to play with toys
room 3 obsrervation: every 5 secs observe for 20 mins
same toys model had
same sex imiattiom
agg model shwoed more direct imiatatio
male model had bigger inlfunce
conclusion: not all behaviour shaped by reward and psunishmet some leatng trhu bservation