Classical Clinical Presentations 3 Flashcards
Midsystolic click and atypical chest pain
Mitral Valve Prolapse
Mole with irregular margins, change in color or size.
Malignant melanoma
Mucoid urethral discharge in a sexually active male.
Chlamydia urethritis
Muscle cramps with a positive Chvostek test
Newborn with paralyzed arm after difficult vertex delivery
Erb-Duchesne palsy
Newborn with claw hand after difficult breech delivery.
Klumpke’s palsy
Night blindness, dry eyes, and dry skin
Vitamin A deficiency
Nocturnal back pain, recurrent infections and fatigue
Multiple myeloma
Obesity, hirsutism, and irregular periods
Polycystic Ovarian Disease
Osler nodes, Janeway nodules, or Roth Spots
Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis
Painful, pale, cold fingers and toes
Raynaud’s syndrome
Painful fingers, wrist bilaterally with morning stiffness >1 hour
Rheumatoid arthritis
Painful hip with a limp in a young child
Legg-Calves-Perches disease
Painful hip with a limp in an overweight teenager
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
Painful, pulseless, pale perishingly cold limb
Arterial embolism
Painful yellow genital ulcer
Painless beef-red genital ulcer
Granuloma inguinale
Painless jaundice and weight loss
Cancer of the head of the pancreas
Pale mucous membranes with spoon shaped nails
Iron deficient anemia
Palpitations, sweating and pressure headaches