Classical Clinical Presentations 2 Flashcards
Dysphagia, glossitis, and iron deficiency anemia
Plummer-Vinson syndrome
Dyspepsia worse with eating food.
Gastric type of peptic ulcer disease
Elastic skin with hypermobile joints.
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Enlarged nerves and anesthetic hypopigmented rashes
Fair, fat, fertile female over 40 with abdominal pain.
Fever, cough, chest pain in a parrot breeder
Bird fancier’s disease
Fever, headache, and skin rash on wrists and feet
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Fever, conjunctivitis, corzya, and fine rash on trunk.
Fever, neck stiffness, and headache
Fever, night sweats, weight loss, cough or hemoptysis
Fever, maculopapulovesicular rash on trunk
Chicken pox
Foul floating feces, fatigue and weight loss.
Celiac disease
Frequent urination with burning on micturition.
Urinary tract infection
Frothy urine, recurrent infections with normal blood pressure.
Nephrotic syndrome
Frothy malodorous vaginal discharge
Trichomonas vaginitis
Galactorrhea and amenorrhea
Tertiary syphilis
Gottron’s papule and heliotrope eyelids
Gout and self-mutilation in a child due to pain insensitivity
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
Haygarth’s nodes
Rheumatoid arthritis
Heartburn worse on lying down after meals
Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
Heat intolerance, fine tremors, weight loss or exophthalmos
Herberden’s and Bouchard’s nodes
Hematemesis following protracted vomiting and retching
Mallory-Weiss syndrome
Hemoptysis in a chronic cigarette smoker
Lung cancer
Hemoptysis and hematuria
Goodpasture syndrome
Honey colored crusts on the face near the mouth and nose.
Hyperpigmented oral cavity and intestinal polyps
Peutz-Jegher syndrome
Hyperpigmented sling creases, bronze skin, and fatigue
Addison’s disease
HTN, Hypokalemia, and metabolic acidosis
Conn’s disease
HTN, exophthalmos, and goiter
Grave’s disease
Indurated painless penile lesion
Primary syphilis
Infant with red hair and swollen abdomen
Infant with microcephaly and rocker-bottom feet
Trisomy 18 (Edward’s syndrome)
Infant with microcephaly and indistinct philtrum
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Infant with mongoloid eyes and mental retardation
Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome)
Irregularly irregular breathing
Biot’s respiration
Jaundice, chills, and fever
Ascending cholangitis
Jaundice, ascites, and firm non-tender hepatomegaly
Jaundice with tender hepatomegaly
Large spatulate hands, protruding jaw
Loss of the outer third of eyebrows and slow reflexes
Low back pain, bamboo spine in young male adult
Ankylosing spondylosis
Lower abdominal pain and 6-8 weeks of amenorrhea
Ectopic pregnancy
Koilonychia and pale mucous membrane
Iron deficiency anemia
Koplick spots and fever followed by fine maculopapular rash
Magenta-colored tongue
Vitamin B12 deficiency
Male child with recurrent infection and no B cells
Bruton’s disease
Mental retardation, large scrotal tongue, umbilical hernia
Down syndrome
Middle aged male smoker with intermittent claudication
Buerger’s disease